
Were man happier when women didn't have equal rights?

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lots of men are unhappy that women have the same rights as them.




  1. Some men are probably furious that women have the same rights, and would prefer to live in ignorance again, but there will of course be other men happier to have what is right. But, either way, it doesn't matter much because women make up half the population and we like our rights, it's makes no difference if a few men can't deal with the truth, fact is fact, we're equal. Thankfully, most men and women realise gender only really matters when it comes to procreation...well, and sports too :)

  2. You are wrong they are unhappy that we are daring to ask for the same rights as them.

    I was not aware that women had achieved equality with men in any sphere. And if we look at the wider picture, the world that is not the West , women have an awful lot to catch up. Never mistake greater independence for women in the West with actual equality.

    And, we are expected to earn our rights, earn our respect? As opposed to men who have given themselves rights, and granted privilege based purely on their gender for centuries! We have to demonstrate responsibility, yet men have had their rights enshrined in law and constitution basically because they were born with a p***s! Glad you justified that one to me Us feminists, unreasonable, irresponsible, meddlesome harpies eh?

  3. More people benefit from everyone having the same rights and opportunities than the other way around.  If you look at the wealthiest, healthiest nations, the women are treated equally to men.  If you look at the poorest, sickest nations, the women are treated un-equally to men.  Everyone suffers.

  4. That's tough you-know-what for them.

  5. Who cares?

  6. you ever see pictures from those era's? The wife is usually super happy and the dude looks miserable.

         Look at most family homes and who more often then not is in charge of the family? Did that magically happen in the 1900's?

       Face it for as far back as our species go women have had more say in the home, and usually controlled there husbands.

    (there are a few exceptions where cultures did and still do oppress women- see Islam,muslims.)

    It is like the old joke.

    (sorry if I don't say it right)

    An angry women asked a factory owner why he only hired married men. The factory owner replied "there already domesticated"

  7. Yep

  8. i hope they are happier now. women are just as smart and talented as men, and we can do more. like haviong babies, for instance. all they can do is pee standing up.

  9. Hard to say.  I think in the days before feminism men simply couldn't imagine things any other way, and most women couldn't either.  

    Maybe it depends how you look at it.  If men have ever been grateful for being treated by a female doctor, or taught by a female teacher, or for working with a female colleague, then perhaps they are happier than they would have been in a world where women weren't allowed to work in those professions.

  10. Oppression is a horrible thing.  Weak men hurt women.  And weak women hurt men.  Women do not have the same rights as men.*  They have more*  The question is, why do so many women delight in hurting innocent men?  We have nothing to do with women's rights in the past.  And neither does my son.

    Greed does not prejudice towards female or male.  We are all capable of hurting others.  And we are all, at one time or another, capable or acting like Gods.  

  11. No.

    Men have daughters, friends, wifes, and are humans who care about other humans.

    But, what does that have to do with today, lol?

  12. women arent smart enough to be able to the things that we do

  13. Some.

    Others find helplessness absolutely intolerable. Unfortunately that didn't seem to go away with equal rights.


  14. God created men and women equal, but not the same.  In this life, they may have different responsibilities, but when it comes to reward and punishment, they are just equal.  

    So, I really don't think there is something men should be upset about!

  15. You say man are unhappy I don't think that is the case I live in Thailand most of us expats have Asian wife's sweet kind and respectful I see older western women all the time and they don't like it

    One once asked ''were do we go to get what you man have'' brought a nice Thai friend over to talk with her she left

    I think there well be many unhappy lonely women in the future

    You might ask why don't i have a western wife? Well I think western women fear a strong man what do you think? Were as Asian women respect it

    Just read the post from the women Do you want to live with that mindset? I don't

    My wife just gave me a 2nd cup of morn coffee and gave me a kiss Dang  I love her see ya going to go off line for an hour and Honor her Life can be great guys

  16. False. Men are not unhappy that women have rights. We are unhappy that they have more rights and less responsibilities.

    Why use this tactic I don't think anyone but other feminists buy into this type of propaganda any more?

    I for one am glad women can go out into the world and fulfill themselves. What I am not happy about is that instead of earning respect they demand it and make it a crime if you don't.

    I am unhappy that they demand equal outcomes rather than equal opprotunity.

    I am unhappy that while women are screaming that life is so unfair to them I see examples all around me how that simply isn't true.

    But nice try on the propaganda tactics.

    Edit: Louisebro2000 I never said women should earn rights nice try though. I have said women should earn respect instead of demand it.

    And men weren't given anything we had to earn it. Who built the cities and grew the food from time immamorial? We men have had to earn everything civilisation has.

    So that whole feminist argument that men are given anything is simply false. Read some history and think before you type you will look better for the extra effort or is that too much to ask from a feminist?

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