
Were more terrorists involved in 9/11 or 1/22?

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1/22 was the day the U.S. Supreme Court gave terror doctors nationwide permission to attack children. According to statistics, more people die each day at U.S. abortion clinics than all the people who died in the Sept. 11 attack. There are 2000 terror doctors in the U.S. providing abortions. Divided by 365, that means that each year an average of 5 1/2 terror doctors kill the equivalent of the number of people killed by 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists on September 11. On average per terrorist, terror doctors kill more children per day in the U.S. alone than were killed per terrorist on September 11th.




  1. That is simply a minor horror compared to what pro lifers do to born and loved children. You are worried about fetuses, and I am worried about children that are living, loved and part of our every day life. And the fact is that each time a pro lifer "saves" a fetus, he causes the death of 12 born and loved kids. So yes, you can feel sorry for the fetus, but I feel sorry for the mothers and fathers that will see their children die, the people who have learned to love these kids and the kids themselves. How long will the pro lifers continue their murderous rampage?

    The really sad part is that there is disagreement about the viability of fetuses, but the pro lifer are killing kids that everyone agrees are kids. Even the Bible agrees that we should save the children and makes no mention of saving fetuses.

  2. That's just wrong. Killing in general like that is just horrible. >< I didn't know haw many poeple died through abortion! That's insane. Insanly sad as well. This is why I'm not a fan of the Us government... >.>

  3. Yeah! Hey while you're at it - why not look into those murdering IVF doctors. Creating 8-10 embryo's for each couple who pay them, then only implanting one or two into the womb. A fused sperm and egg is life no matter what the circumstances right? So these guys aren't just destroying life, like the abortionists. they're creating it, screening it, then destroying it. And on a much bigger scale!

    If that comment seems stupid to you, perhaps you'll understand how everyone else feels reading your spurious question.

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