
Were most catholic monarchs in england ridiculed besides mary 1 queen of england. after her?

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Were most catholic monarchs in england ridiculed besides mary 1 queen of england. after her?




  1. Mary I of England was definitely not the last English monarch to have tried to convert England back to Catholicism. She may have been the last Catholic queen to rule over England and Ireland, however, there was also Charles I and James II. Both Kings ruled from the House of Stuart after Mary I of England, and they were controversial figures. Their reigns caused huge religious and political conflicts which led to two English civil wars, turned England into a republic, and finally the Glorious Revolution in 1688.

    Charles I married to a Catholic princess, Henrietta Maria of France over the objections of Parliament and public opinion. He further allied himself with controversial religious Catholic figures, which many of Charles's subjects felt this brought the Church of England too close to Roman Catholicism. The religious conflicts during Charles's reign partially contributed to his downfall in his later years, which led to his execution and the monarchy was abolished.

    James II was the last Roman Catholic monarch to reign over the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Many of his subjects distrusted his religious policies and autocratic tendencies, leading a group of them to depose him in the Glorious Revolution in 1688. James is best known for his belief in absolute monarchy and his attempts to create religious liberty for his subjects. Both of these went against the wishes of the English Parliament and of most of his subjects.

  2. By queen Mary you intend the daughter of Henry the 8th.......

    she was the last catholic monarch as Henry had introduced the Church of England .........she tried to return the country back to Catholicism ............hence her name Bloody Mary........after her all monarchs have been Church of England as they are the head of the Faith

    a quick synopsis but I hope it helps

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