
Were people actually leaving the grandstands before Kyle even did his burnout?

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Kyle Busch put on an awesome display at Dalington. But it sure looked like people were walking down the stairs and leaving the grandstands, even before Kyle did his burnout or victory lap?




  1. Umm, hello.  It happens at every race.  As soon as the checkered flag waves people leave.  The race is over at that point.  Have you ever been to a Nascar race and fought the traffic?  It sucks.

  2. I would leave too.  Who wants to see that arrogant little prick do a victory burnout?  He shouldn't even be racing with the things he does on and off the track.

  3. Yeah they did because no one likes Kyle Busch except for the hags who love him because they're the rednecks that the fans of NASCAR get blamed for.

  4. Thats typical at all races.  The second race begins as soon as the checkers wave.  The race to get out of the parking lot and home.  I usually leave with about 3 to go if the winner is immenent.  Thats saves me about 2 hours getting home.  So what you saw happens at every race.

  5. i'am not a busch fan cause of what he drives but the guy can drive & he wins races.  and he makes it interesting.

  6. I think so fluffy, that's what it looked like to me. The fans in Texas did the same thing when he won the Nationwide race there. I stayed and inhaled all that burnt rubber and Sunoco fuel.(What a rush) I ended up catching up with all of them at the souvenir trailers outside the gates. It was a great burnout.

  7. There were some fans there, they didn't show it on Fox because its so one sided favoritism but ESPN during their highlights reported fans throwing stuff at him on the track.

  8. yes traffic beaters

  9. Yeah cause everyone hates him!!!! When he got introduced, he got booed by everyone. Thats why people were leaving.

  10. Yea, probably because they couldn't stand to see the whiny  Kyle win another race.I fell asleep and when I ask who won, I said, please don't say Kyle Busch(and by the way,I'm not a jr fan)

  11. Yea let JR win the All-Star race. It just proves he still cant win a real race and that hes still an overrated punk.

  12. Don't blame them a bit.  I'm glad I fell asleep and missed the end of the race.  People need to stop saying that it's "all Junior's fans".  It isn't.  It's NASCAR fans who dislike arrogant, whiny, disrespectful jerks.

    I cringe to think that he could win the championship.  What a poor representative of the sport he would make.

  13. Wanted to beat the traffic.  And who wants to see him in a Victory lap.  Not me.

  14. Probably, but the more people hate him the more races he will win, you watch and see.

  15. I agree with Winter Glory! Kyle put on a clinic tonight at Darlington. The sea of green going down the steps looked like that stuff slim, (that stuff you had as a kid) going downhill.

  16. It's looking like the Dale Jr. fans need to get used to leaving early! Well at least they beat the traffic leaving the track! There's always a good side to everything!!

  17. It is not all Jr fans Kyle is arrogant. Kyle's fan seem to have a very short memory. You all seem to forget the comment he made after the Nationwide in Richmond, " I don't care how many cars I have to wreck". Yea it really takes talent to wreck someone each week.

  18. that happens at every race, people leaving "early" to beat traffic. I always stay, though, it costs a lot of money to go to the races and I want to see it all.

  19. these are the same people that probably threw beer cans at him, and are the ones who say they can't stand him because he has no class, like they have room to talk.

    Good Job Kyle!

  20. Finally, Junior fans are realizing that they must find a new driver to root for. Get used to Junior become whinny like Gordon and Johnson. It sucks that Casey Mears has to be buried by these three egos.

  21. It wouldn't surprise me--I heard people actually cheered when he wrecked in the Nationwide, and not that cheer people give when the window net comes down.  I'm just glad people didn't throw things at him when he bowed at the front stretch.

  22. It was all the crying Dale Jr fans.  They need to give it a rest and find a better driver to be a fan of.

  23. They have to beat the traffic.

  24. I agree with LYNN (my name's Lynn, too :D )  I didn't fall asleep and I really didn't want to watch Kyle in Victory lane, but I did to see how he reacted to his win.  The guy needs anger management courses. First he snaps at his crew telling them his car was "pathetic" during his "brakes" situation. Then after he won, he was thanking them for doing a great job. I think he has a split personality.   As far as people leaving the stands before Kyle's victory lap and burnout, well there are alot of reason's why fan's do this. It happens every race. My logical reason would be because they don't want to get caught in traffic.

    People jump to conclusion about Jr. Nation, we are NOT cry babies. And a win is very near for Jr. Perhaps the All-Star race? He's my pick for the win there :D

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