
Were people having magical powers?

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did even 1 person have a power in the ancient world?




  1. Divination has been practiced through the centuries, many forms exist, but I stick with the pendulum, runes and tarot. - works for me.

    Regarding magical - what's your definition? There are ancient structures and artwork that can only be seen from many hundreds of feet up - who drew them, and why?

    Many witches have been tried and convicted - just by using a raft to cross water instead of a boat. Herbs that heal & herbs that ill are well known now - but not then.

    Christians pray to their God for results - just as the ancients did to theirs.

    Power to understand and control the elements, I believe so to those gifted few, but have only come to understand this in the last few years.

  2. yes.  havent you heard about all the healers and witches and everyone else.  like Merlin?

  3. Yes, but magic is just a way to explain something not understood. Any one of us would be considered magical if someone from the ancient world spent the day with us. They would see cars and planes, televisions and computers. Just having a boom-box and a flashlight would seem quite magical. And these things would be magical to all of us if we weren't used to them and didn't understand the science behind them.

    The first ones with gunpowder or herbal remedies must have been seen as magical. And there is still magic to come!

  4. No.  No they didn't.  Unless all of our grimoires were burned in the library of Alexandria.

  5. I need to have a more clearly defined definition of magical.

    Do you consider the construction of the great pyramids magical?

    Or the carving and transportation of the monoliths on Easter Island?

    Or the Mayan buildings miles apart over mountains and through jungles having walls that are exactly perpendicular, only provable with satellite technology?

    If you don't consider that magic, I'm not sure what you would call it.

  6. It is not possible to debunk claims just by hearing old stories.  The best you can do is suggest ways things could be faked or natural phenomena that could be misunderstood.  IE, without testing the water to see if it actually turned to blood, how could someone prove Moses didn't actually turn the Nile waters into blood?  You can't, but you can put forward the suggestion that algae blooms can turn water red.  Thus, it is impossible to validate or invalidate these ancient claims.  I would suggest that there is not evidence of magic powers today, and I don't see why if people had them in the past they wouldn't be present today.  I would also suggest that in the ancient world the average person was less educated and more easily fooled.

  7. Yes, Jesus did. But nobody else.  

  8. I don't know about the rest of them...but there was a show on not too long ago showing how the priests in the temples fooled the people by making them think their statues were bleeding or crying etc.

  9. yeeeea dood

  10. Maybeee

  11. go to,









  12. Jesus told the disciples what he did they could do and more.

    Water into wine

    Blind men seeing

    lame men walking

    dead men returning to life

    Who was it that climbed from the boat to walk on water to Jesus and did so until he realized he shouldn't be able to.  And his life was saved because he had faith and asked Jesus, still standing on the surface to save his life.

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