
Were problems almost inevitable with Collins submarine computerization ?

by Guest59512  |  earlier

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"On a difficult question, the majority is unlikely to be correct".(attribute to Descartes)

A good contract will be drawn up and signed. It will say something like

<<CSC Australia and Rockwell Australia will be given visibility of the visibility being given to the members of the consortium.

Customer will be given visibility of how much visibility CSC Australia and Rockwell Australia are being given of the visibility being given to members of the consortium.>>

On Descartes' analysis, these arrangements will be changed. A majority, who happen to be incorrect, will change the already decided





  1. war is over, get rid of weopons and invest in life not death

  2. The computerization is simplistically perfect, with a flexible rigidity in its doctrine. Its concise and fulsome explanation of complexities is deemed over simplified by purveyors of mystifying erudition.

    With reference to Descartes indication as to the majority erring on the side of caution in difficult and byzantine issues of morals or societal policies. This is largely because any revolutionary or transformational agenda raise fear and insecurity in the hearts and minds of those fearful of being unable to conform to the given ideal.

    Morality is such a volatile issue. Effortless and second nature to the majority it is a bone of dire contention for those lesser beings finding their only weaponry in the form of sexual marketability to the detriment of the aforesaid. It is also noted that this group is the antagonist hostility causing dissention in all matters seeking to bring peace and order to the world.

    The inappropriated incorrect majority rule is efficaciously broken by the focused, single minded pioneers against these barricades of ill will and discord. Carnal nature can sense trepidation in the minds of pioneers lacking in fortitude and resolve.

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