
Were should my Acupuncturist be putting the Needles to cure Depression & Anxiety?

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I am currently undergoing Acupuncture for Depression & Anxiety, is there any certain location on the body were the needles should be placed.




  1. Acupuncture will not help you as it is at best a placebo effect.

  2. Accupuncture is basically quackery, it has some credibility because it often produces beneficial outcomes in highly suggestible people via the placebo effect. Depression is a serious condition. Please see a doctor instead! Best Wishes.

  3. If they hold the title they should kno what they are doing right.

  4. It won't help your condition, only the wallet of the acupuncturist.

    Acupuncture can only ease pain from certain conditions such as Knee OA (Evidence based medicine), so the above posters are in part, wrong.

    Quacks and medics alike use it. Medics use Western acupuncture with often good results, the rest is quackery.

  5. I see my skeptic friends are out in full force today, so I will just add my voice that acupuncture is a placebo treatment that does nothing except for reduce minor pain for a short period of time in some highly suggestible and motivated people.  It doesn't work very well on non-believers.

    It would be most efficient if they stuck the needles into your wallet, and removed the money directly.

  6. It depends on the style, Chinese, Japanese, five element school etc.  Probably Chinese protocols would include, Bai h*i (Governor 20) on the top of the scalp, 5 element might use windows of the sky points around neck and upper torso, or release the 5 internal dragons, points on abdomen and legs, Japanese school uses points determined by abdominal reflexes. Most of the powerful points tend to be on forearms and lower legs, back points would also be included.  It also depends on the insight of the practitioner and what issues he sees as require to be addressing. therefore protocols vary between practitioners. hope that was useful.


  7. there is no evidence that it works, and it is based on primitive mythology rather than on any sort of understanding of how the body works.

    It's placebo effect so it doesn't matter anyway- just let him stick them wherever he wants.

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