
Were the 4 Iranian diplomats killed by christian lebanese or still alive?

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this artcle says they might have been killed by christian militia in beirut.;_ylt=AmjpUgoU0DRQNUZvl47oXdALewgF

great job lebanese christians. you make Israel proud.




  1. Of course muslims always have the higher morale ground!

    Its the religion of peace in action.....

  2. Christians wouldn't do those things.....for a true Christian it is sin to murder.  

    Non-muslims might have done it......or who know shia, shite you guys kill each other too!  

    Don't forget the internal wars.

  3. 1982? I wasn't even born then.

  4. What is wrong with you people? It is never ok to take another persons life.

  5. I don't think they are dead, where are their bodies?????? the prisonners who got released from the Israeli prisons 2 days ago say they have seen them there alive.

  6. You know what I just realized...its hard to find words that rhyme with "persian" or "iranian"

  7. I hope they're dead.

  8. I heard that they defected  , started up some falafel shops & lived here happily ever after ....

    Hate to spoil your theories but truth is stranger than fiction !

  9. This doesn't concern to any religions.

    At that time (July 4, 1982) Lebanon was involved in a serious war between some militias. Usually during such a confilicts, some group of militias make ties with other nations. As we know Irainan diplomats were kidnapp by a group of Lebanese militias then they sent to Israel as hostage. I think that militias are guilty for kidnapping diplomats but they didn't have enough responsibility to hold them as hostage. This should be Zionists plan at all...!

    If we want to accuse them we should accuse their leaders...

    Unfortunately some of those guilty militia leaders are in power right now... May they have still ties with Zionists....!

    List of Iranian were kidnapped:

    Mohsen Musavi (Diplomat)

    Ahmad Motovasselian (Diplomat)

    Kazem Akhavan (Photo journalist)

    Mohammad Taqi Rastgar Moghaddam (Driver)

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