
Were the French corrupt last night by giving Johnny Wilkinson an unfit match ball for his final penalty?

by  |  earlier

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He had to refuse it because it was not a match ball.




  1. Hmmm it was a bit suss wasn't it.  Jonny's not daft though - he wasn't having any of it

  2. So he complained about a ball. That's why some of his kicking was off. Oh hang on a mo, didn't Chris Patterson kick all of his 17 penalties. He didn't complain. Wilkinson is such a prema-donna. Looser.

  3. French cheats,, nothing new there eh

  4. How long is a piece of string? You won, didn't you.

  5. For the people who didn't see what happened Jonny was handed a ball by a ball boy for the penalty. The match balls are clearly marked 1 to 6 and this one wasn't so he immediately asked the touch judge for an actual match ball.

    Definately seems a bit suspect to me.

  6. Jonny knew straight away though and wasn't having it, which shows what a great player he is.  Although he missed his early kicks, when the pressure is on, Wilkinson is deadly!  The French could have given him a medicine ball for that drop goal and he would have still blasted it between the posts!

  7. No. JW looking for an excuse for his poor kicking performance. Paterson kicked 17 out of 17 with any ball he was given.

  8. yes, it happen'd on the last kick too.

  9. Well the ball seems to have tainted jonnys kickin on a whole, but despite that he still makes the kiks that count to win every time! French cheats!

  10. sounds a bit dodgy to me, i didnt see the game, so all i can say is "Who cares? We won!"

  11. ???

    what you talk about ?

    England won  without problem

    French havent play your game well that's all

    i not hear commentary about stole match in french tv!

    and for me match was correct , without good game but correct

  12. As I didn't ( couldn't  cos at work ) see the match it's the first I heard about it.

    Who gave him the ball to kick ? was it a Froggy official or player ? If so they are cheating Frog barstards though I am sure they will claim it was some kind of mistake.

  13. There's so much money at stake nowadays, they'll try anything to win.

    Cheating is common in all top sports (perhaps the French more than most).

    Good for Johnny and the England side!

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