
Were the Middle Ages a positive time of advancement for European society?

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Initially I thought the Middle Ages were definitely negative in every aspect. But then it occurred to me that though everything may have been fairly horrible at the time, it was because that era had so many problems that people were pushed to be progressive and solve those problems. And didn't those solutions set up the foundation for the modern world? Or do the infinite negatives of the Middle Ages overshadow that?




  1. I wouldn't say they were a positive time of advancement, as there was not intentional advancement, and in some cases, regression. I also wouldn't call them progressive, because challenges to the status quo were not seen as a positive thing.

    I don't think they were negative in every aspect either, but it took time, a long time, for progress to be made to the point where the Renaissance could take place. It is part of history, and had its contributions but they were slow to happen and not many compared to other periods of time.

  2. For me the negatives does over shadow since they held back progress with all their might in many cases. They executed scientists that could have made progress instead of taking their knowledge and using it to make thing better. Sure, some progress was done, but it could have been much more if it hadn't been for the negative attitude they had against science and new things that didn't fit their idea of how the world worked. It's hard for me to remember the things that did happen when I think there were so many things that could have happened that didn't.

    But, you are right, the middle ages are part of the past that shaped the world we live in today so it can't have been all that bad.  

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