
Were the fireworks at the end of the Democrat convention carbon neutral?

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Or was it just more hypocrisy?




  1. I'm sure they bought enough phoney offsets to cover them.

  2. ROFL.  Of course they weren't.  The Democratic party could care less about being "green"  they just like pretend that they are.  Cause it is totally PC right now.

    Much like that wonderful concert thing that Al Gore organized last year in DC, NYC and London.  It was great how he wanted to fly his private jet from event to event...very green.

    Ugh...I hate hypocrisy.

    Thank you for posting this question, you rock!

  3. I don't think it's possible to have carbon neutral fireworks.  However having fireworks once a year doesn't have much impact on the environment.  Driving 20 miles a day at 20 mpg has more of an impact, especially when you consider how many people do it.  Transporting food across the country in 18-wheelers every day at less than 10 mpg definitely as has an impact on the environment.  Burning fossil fuels in power plants has an impact on the environment.

    Will this impact have dire consequences for humanity?  Al Gore would say yes.  A lot of scientists seem to agree.  A lot disagree too.  I'm not a scientist and I try not to pass judgment.

    You are welcome to pass judgment if you want but don't pass it over fireworks.

  4. there are two standards one for politicians ,and the other standard is what laws they pass we have to live by .

  5. You sir win an internet, LOL at liberals.

  6. Haha no, they were most likely real. Al Gore will just die.

  7. I love that you asked that question.  My 13 year old son asked me why we celebrate everything with pollution?  I still think China put on a better show last week during the Olympics but I guess it was worth a shot.  

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