
Were the proganda of Big Brother based on technology or just art?

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"Propaganda" Joseph Goebbels

"1984" George Orwell




  1. The fear is a return of the annihilation of the Jews or now Christians through another major political faction. The fears are justified in the attempts in Communist nations to suppress or annihilate anyone who disagrees with the current political faction in power. The books you cite are by authors who predicted such political factions would use technology to spy on their inhabitants to seek out and remove or destroy those who disagreed with the current political ideology. Many people who agree with the cited authors point out such "Big Brother" technology spying on the people in the form of security cameras in every store, cameras now filming major highways and streets and common places, and the like. They also have problems with managers of major companies reading or accessing employees personal e-mails, cameras at the workplace, and now spy cameras in homes watching housecleaners or babysitters while they work. Technology can track every purchase made with a credit card or ATM debit card, when you bought gas, when you bought something at the grocery store or when you buy clothes or entertainment. Spyware on computers helps 3rd party observers who hacked into your system track your internet habits. The idea of being so spied upon daily is abhorrent to those who value their privacy but more to the point, equally abhorrent is the idea that we are so inherently evil we can't govern ourselves or take care of ourselves, that we are nothing but thieves, liars, cheaters, and ultimately sinners in the end, deserving of destruction by our executors, those in political power.

  2. Technology through a huge T.V. , film, and News Print plus falsified records. War Criminals made into heros so any research would reveal that.  Original records destroyed.

    News Speak corrections made as mistakes noted and words changed.

  3. Both actually.  at it's best. And my feeling is that he got his idea from a Fascist controlled government (Spain), and Communistic Ideal.

    "We've taken care of everything.

    The words you read, the songs sing.

    The pictures that give pleasure too your Eye.

    It's one for all and all for one.

    We work together, common sun.

    Never Need to Wonder How or Why!"

    (Rush, 2112 Album/CD)

    Better Dead then Red!

    Don't Worry Momma!

    I'm Voting for  Obama!

  4. George Orwell penned the term in 1948 (hense the title of the book - 1984).  The term was based in art, but created because of the fear of technology in the hands of the greedy and power hungry. . .

    GW, maybe??

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