
Were the wives on the ark submitting to their husbands, as their "god" commanded?

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Wives must submit:

Colossians 3:18

1 Peter 3:1

Ephesians 5:22-24




  1. Those passages are all in the Christian Bible.  The G-d of the Torah, who told Noah to build the ark, never said anything about women submitting to their husbands.  That's a Christian addition.

  2. Why absolutely!!   These were the only 8 people on the planet that did not deserve to be killed by "god."   So I am sure they did exactly as the bible instructed them to do.

  3. More indication that the bible is sexist.  

  4. Where the husbands on the ark submitting to their wives according to Eph 5:21?

    Why do people bring up verse 22 - 24 but they forget about verse 21?

  5. When the bible reads "submit", it is read as "respect", as in it tells wives to respect their husbands as the head and the protector of the houshold. It does not mean submit like sexually let their husbands have their way with them, although they are told not to withhold s*x from their husbands out of spite.

  6. Submitting does not mean slavery.  That seems to be today's attached meaning.  It meant acknowledging the husband's authority from God.

    Today it would be compared to a President and vice-president of a company.  Would anyone claim that a vice-president is a wimp or slave because of his position?  Does that mean the President have the right to flog the vice-president with a whip?

    It means "when push comes to shove" the decision must be finally made by one person, the president.  After hearing all input from vice-presidents, however many they may be, only one decision must be final in any business.  The same with a family.

    Look further in Ephesians next few verses. 25-27 so the husband should have his family clean and approved by God as Christ is the husband's head and God is Christ's head.  Or make sure you do what is OK with God with your family or he will answer to Christ and to God.

    Vs. 28-30, 33 speaks of a husband treating his wife as he would with his own body.  Unless he is severely crazy, he does not stab himself or starve himself or go without necessities for life.  He would not treat his wife that way either.

    Who knows, maybe the wives on the Ark were better carpenters than the men.  The men had to take direction from the wives in this.  It still remained the final decision to build the Ark was agreeing with God by the husbands for their families.

  7. I'm guessing it must have been a big orgy, since they had to re-populate the earth and all.

  8. They were on the p**p deck playing cards, sunning themselves and watching the internet.

    Some even decided to learn Latin and Greek, from scratch.

    I hate to disappoint you but thar was no book back then my friend.

    None of them verses were written yet!

    You are livin' in a time warp.

    God love you!

  9. If I recall, nobody had s*x til the flood was over.Then they were told to replenish the earth. I'm just going by memory here.

  10. Why?  Do you have a video of it?

    Sorry, I wasn't there.  But I would quess that if the ark actually  existed that they probably did.  Who else were they going tohave s*x with?

  11. I don't see why they wouldn't, I'm sure there was plenty of hay to roll in.

  12. Joseph, I'm sure they did but understand the books that you quote were written long after Noah.Noah was long before even Moses and the law.

  13. were the wives "saved" during this water deluge??  i think that plays a part in their submissiveness...  a strong headed woman would let her husband get on the ark and keep doing what she was already doing...

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