
Were there Arabs in Syria or Iraq 2000 years ago?

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Through much DNA and Geneological studies my family was traced back to Syria and Iraq 2000 years ago, so am I a tiny bit Arabian or something else? I was also traced back to Jerusalem at about the same time, what am I part there?




  1. NO!

  2. Arabs, Assyrians, pheonicans, egyptians

  3. Dont think so, the rise of the Arabs a nomatic desert people came with Mohamad and the spread of Islam. Most of the immigration to American from lebonon, Egpyt, Syria has been from the original christian community. Even in Iran, only a small % can even speak the original language. The Arabs have out breed the original inhabitants and their religion and culture predominate. However, I suspect the people of the middle east all share much of the same DNA with the Arabs and the distinction  being more cultural. I think Lebonon Syria looked more mediteranian, like Italians originally.  If you read on the Summarians of 4,000 years ago they had lots of issues with Arabs or nomatic invaders. Ancient Egyptian wall painting show there is a facial difference between various peoples. Go to the library and see if you can find some books with the drawings.

  4. For first,Where are you from,Lebanon,Korea?

    I know a Japanese guy who found, after DNA test like you. that his ancestors come from northern India. myriads miles away.

    Thing can be strange with DNA ancestral test.But if you already from that region, let say Lebanon for example.,don't be surprise that you have ancestors that come from Arabia,it's so near with just a few miles away in the south.

    Secondly, Arabia was not always populated by nomadic Arabic ethnicity. Various population from Mesopotamia, Syria moved and lived to the north of that region.

    Also there was a very important Jewish community in Medina and other Arabic cities.In term of number they were more important than the communities of Yemen.

    Many of those Arabian Jews(strange match) moved north to escape  to Syria, lebanon to escape conversion to Islam,thus their genetically imprint is typical of the region they come from.

    Many Saudis of today Medina are descendant of jews who convert to Islam by foprce or willing.You can recognize them by face feature or their jewelry and artisans profession.

  5. yes and more than 2000 yrs

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