
Were there Europeans 2000 years ago or did Europe form then?

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I have some middle eastern ancestors from this time period, I want to know if they just moved to Europe and mixed with them or did their DNA change into European DNA?




  1. The eurasian continent exists since about the cretaceous.

    there were probably people in Europe from about 45 000 years ago. They were definitely there a measly 2000 years ago.

    Unless you had some genetic analysis done I don't think there is a way you can find if you had middle eastern ancestors from 2000 years ago. Though they could have come with the romans to europe.

  2. There were people living in Europe far more than 2000 yrs ago. Look at the old testament of the bible for instance.That was long before Christ. Your Norsemen, Celts , Romans, Greeks , all were there long before 2000 yrs. If you have Middle eastern Dna mixed with European then someone migrated and married someone from another culture and country. Dna changes only as more diverse blood lines are added to what is already there.

  3. Modern Europeans started returning to Europe after the ice from the last Glacial Maximum began to melt around 7,000 BCE!

  4. ... What the h**l is European DNA?

  5. Yes, there were Europeans 2000 years ago. For example, in 53 B.C.E. Julius Caesar led Roman troops in one of the two successful invasions of England (the other was the Norman,  William the Conqueror, in 1066). You REALLY need to study your history.

    As for "middle eastern DNA", this is nonsense. All DNA is human for the species Homo Sapiens. Male DNA is untraceable for more than a few generations. Female DNA - mitochondrial DNA is traceable forever. There are seven - and only seven - genetic mothers for the entire, current human race (Ref: "The Seven Daughters of Eve", which is a scientific, not a religious study). All seven originated in the eastern part of Africa: the area now in Kenya and Tanzania.

    So...all "European" DNA and "middle eastern" DNA (these terms you employ are non-scientific terms) come from Africa.

  6. Alexander the Great conquered Egypt & installed one of his generals as ruler there in 330 BC.  Cleopatra was one of his descendants that ruled Egypt.  As previous responders said, Europeans have existed for 40 to 50,000 years. People moved out of the ME to Asia about 70,000 yrs ago & they & some Asians move into Europe ~ 45,000 yrs ago.

  7. Ever heard of the greeks?  Like 500 BC and earlier?  That mean 2,500 years ago?


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