
Were there any points made at the RNC convention, other than one liners at Obama?

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How come the failed economy was not mentioned? How come the last 8 years had no references? Why should we believe these Republicans are different than the last?




  1. not really . but remember it was just the nominating going on there.

    seems these things could be borderline big stupid expensive concerts.

    the following weeks are meat and potatoes time for both these guys...and it better be, they both have their pluses and minuses.

  2. Well - I did hear ONE big push - for more oil drilling.  I'm sure Alaska is for that - LOL - I sure wish they would look for alternate fuel sources (beside the nuclear facilities - they also want to build).  Drilling is just a patch - the problem will just be delayed. They are up to the same tactics - cut down your opponents since you have no points to mention. I am non-partisan - but the Democrats are looking like they mean - to try to make changes. Any effort is better than nothing.  

  3. In all do respect  I would have to say I did listen to the speech and the focus other than what you mentioned was changing legislature and serving the people instead of wasting more money and raising taxes Cutting government cost and freeing up money for  to go back to the American people, with jobs for the American People and helping children with disabilities! To me she sounds very genuine in her speech to want to do the best she can! Also sounds like she has much experience in politics and has already made many changes in Alaska!

    I hope I answered your question! Cheers!

  4. i have heard a lot about the economy and the last 8 yrs. However, I am only watching internet clips of the convention. Though my home town is Minneapolis, I am overseas.

    As a born again Christian I am heartened to see such strong support for the unborn in the Republican Party. How do you reconcile that issue, Semper? Just curious...

  5. I guess I'm just stupid, (I can call me that, no one else), but I never understood nuclear power plants. I would just as soon live next to a bomb. I don't see anything safe about them. I don't know how many times the Crystal River Plant has been "offline for repairs," whatever that means.

    As for the economy, it's just about as safe. People are being "laid off" all over the place, but you don't hear about that. And when they don't have a job, others that depend on working for them, cleaning their houses, yard work, etc., are also affected.

    But I'm rambling, it's just I feel so strongly about it, & feel helpless.

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