
Were there any soldiers who fought in both WW1 and WW2?

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I think the limits on callup age make it just about possible, especially for those who fibbed on their papers. Also did they survive?




  1. The most famous example of this was the PanzerGraffe.  This famouse German general, who earned his knickname (Beats Hiazinth), due to his noble lineage, started life in the Junkers schools.  He made quite a name for himself by leading a recon cavalry unit deep behind French lines during WW1.  Generally, he causes panic and was a huge psycological weopon until his capture.

    During WW2, his command of armoured tactics ensured that he quickly gained high rank on the Russian front.  One of his more notable achievements was the capture of a Russian Dvn with a hand full of Tiger 1s.  The Russians had mistaken these tanks to indicate a much larger force had penetrated deap into their rear and so they surrendered.

    Hitler himself was a corporal in WW1.  Due to the active role he took in strategic decisions, one might say that he served in both wars.  Herman Georing definately did, being a WW1 fighter pilot and then taking the role as head of the Luftwaffe in the Second.

    As well as high ranking examples, many people served in both wars, although on the British side, if too old for front lines service, they would have been used by the home guard.

    In short, Yes.


  2. I think there were a few, but i am not sure. I know that there is only a few WWI vets left, but i don't know.

  3. Are you serious?  What in the blue h**l is wrong with you?

  4. Patton, MacArthur and Eisenhower come to mind right off the bat.  There were LOTS more.  Probably every person who held the rank of Major or above (that was a CAREER officer) at the beginning of WWII was in WWI.  The same is true with Staff Sargeants and Cheif Petty Officers.

  5. Yes, they did.  My grandfather served in both wars, for one.  And he survived.

  6. Plenty.

    Montgomery was an officer in both wars

  7. Hitler should pop right into your head. Of course there were a lot of them, just they were much higher ranked in WWII than in WWI.

  8. Tens of thousands.

    Most of the officer corps fought in both. As did many career soldiers.

  9. YES... thousands.. Most of the Generals fought in both wars and any of the professional soldiers who fought in 1919 were still around in 1936 when WW2 started ratcheting up.

  10. Marshall, Patton, Eisenhower, McArthur, Stilwell, etc

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