
Were there cavemen back when dinosaurs where alive?

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Were there cavemen back when dinosaurs where alive?




  1. 'Cavemen' is not a scientific term.

    But, no, there were no humans of any sort back when there were dinosaurs;  dinosaurs were long gone by the time there were any hominids.

  2. Chickens are a form of dinosaurs.

  3. No. Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. "Lucy" (Australopithecus afarensis) died about 3.2 million years ago (and even she was too primitive to be considered a "caveman").

  4. Yes...humans and dinosaurs co-existed until fairly recent times as evidenced by many thousands of cave paintings, drawings, temple carvings, fabrics and ancient artifacts depicting dinosaurs....contrary to what evolution teaches based on false assumptions. The evidence is there for anyone to see.

    Recent discoveries of T-Rex and other dinosaur bones with intact red blood cells and soft tissue indicate they did not go extinct 65 million years ago.

    There are also dozens of dragon legends from around the world which sound like dinosaurs. Alexander the Great and Pliny wrote of them being in India and fighting with account tells us the dragon wrapping it's wings around the elephant. Marco Polo also describes dragon keepers that fed and maintained dragons to pull the Emperor's chariots. There are many other similiar accounts as well as descriptions of them in the Bible such as tanniyn, dragons, flying serpents, behemoth and leviathon.

  5. there was no such thing as a cave man.  Men didn't live in caves.  It was unsafe, unhygienic, and an all around bad idea.  Based on the findings that we have to work from at this point in time I would have to say no but that's not to say that they didn't.  Maybe we just haven't found the remains of a person that lived during that period.  So i can't say safely yes or no.  But like I said with what we know at this point in time I would have to say the findings do not support human existence during the period of time you're asking about.

  6. No, cavemen came much later.

  7. That depends on who you ask...

    If you believe that our civilization has been the ONLY civilization here (10,000 years), then no, they weren't around then...

    But if your curious to learn more, and break the paradymes of current thought, then try reading up on the Mahabharata. It's and ancient Indian (India) text of over 80,000 verses or stanzas. When it was first translated back in the late 1800's/early 1900's, people thought it was a myth or a fictional play about the history of mankind.

    But after WW1 and WW2, that changed. The Mahabharata was apparantly written before the dead sea scrolls, and dates back over 24,000 years ago. It speaks of man as far back as 2 million years. It also speaks of battles on the moon, and the use of weapons the until WW2, could not be understood. Go to google and type in "mahabharata, then in quotes "nuclear weapons". The descriptions match almost identically the descriptions made by a boy who live outside Hiroshima in 1945 and that fateful day. Even Robert Oppenheimer, the inventor of the A-bomb, when asked if Trinity was the first Atomic device ever to be detonated, his response was "Yes, In our time".  The Mahabharata also speaks of 7 sacred cities of Rishi, 3 of which have been found in the area between India, China, and Pakistan. These cities were hit so hard, and so fast, that skeletons have been found to be face down, holding hands in the streets. Pottery melted in glass globs, and the Granite walls of the city had been MELTED from the top... Good luck with your search...

  8. no, the human race didnt form until about 100,000 years ago and dinausors died out about 65 million years ago

  9. If you believe the creationists they did. Never mind the fact dinosaurs passed away 65 million years ago and we're only a couple of million years old.

    The Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas, has in it's stream bed tracks of dinosaurs. Some of the prints have been "interpreted" by creationists as human. The site was exposed in 1908 and in 1910 the dinosaurs tracks were found.

    Over the years some enterprising locals carved anatomically incorrect "giant footprints" and sold them.

    In the 1970s a spat of creationist films and articles promoted the tracks as "proof" humans were coexisting with dinosaurs. However, more examination displayed the fact the "footprints" were often part of a dinosaur track or were simply not identifiable as footprints. The explanation then was erosion had changed the tracks or (my favorite) that secular paleontologists were vandalizing the tracks to support their theories.

    "Claims of human tracks occurring alongside dinosaur tracks in Texas have not stood up to close scientific scrutiny, and in recent years have been largely abandoned even by most creationists. Although genuine dinosaur tracks are abundant in Texas, the alleged Paluxy "man tracks" involve a variety of misidentified phenomena. The most celebrated "man tracks" on the Taylor Site are forms of "metatarsal" dinosaur tracks--made by dinosaurs which, at least at times, made elongate prints by impressing their metatarsi (soles and heels) as they walked, rather than walking on their toes only...most creationist leaders seem willing to let the track controversy fade. The Bible-Science Association is under new leadership and has made only a few unsupportive comments on the claims in recent years. ICR, although still selling The Genesis Flood with "man track" claims intact, appears content to leave the issue "in question" and "mysterious." "

    Nope, no cavemen or cave women back with the dinos.

  10. Absolutely not.  We have tons of definitive evidence for this.

  11. no..

    stupidity is incurable..

  12. No.  Cave men were around during the Ice Age.  But there were different beings before them.

  13. no, cave men came when the mamals evolved

  14. Yes.

    Those were the first Republicans. Oddly, they exhibit the same intelligence now as they did then.

    Next question.

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