
Were there mass demonstrations at DNC?

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I saw an article about 2000-10,000 protesters at the RNC. Tires slashed, windows broken, 56 arrested. Was there any of this at the DNC? Whats up with this c**p?




  1. Well, Republicans have class and they respect the property and rights of others.  Democrats care about disorder and violence and hatred.

  2. because liberals have no class, you know they wont trash their own convention, (they did that back in 68 and it cost them the election)

  3. Of course. The demonstrators at the RNC are anarchists - people who do not believe in any form of government and generally make their point using violence. RNC has more protesters because they are the party in power right now. During 2000, Dems faced similar protests.

  4. Libs are scary.

  5. No I was down there every day and did not see anything. There was a peace march after the Rage against the machine concert led by Iraq and Afghanistan vets against the war but it was quite peaceful.  

  6. Over 20,000 was expected but the libs aren't that organized.  There were all probably so stoned, they slept through their alarms.  

    They thought 're-create '68' was something about Woodstock mannnn.

    It backfired on them in 68 and it (along with alot of other things) will backfire on them in '08.

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