
Were there really ALIENS or UFO's that visited the EARTH?!?

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From prehistoric times until now?!Are these really true?!




  1. Can't say for the aliens (never have recognized any being as alien, myself), but I can say that accounts of strange flying machines have been recorded for at least 25,000 years (on cave walls, before we had writing). These unidentified objects flew around, and there are even indications that at least four such incidents were recorded in the 1600's.

    Evidence of aliens? Possibly, though we aren't 100% sure.

    Evidence of UFO's? Yes.

    Evidence of... uh... uhm... time travel? Maybe.

    There are other possibilities. We just need to explore them. We can't say with an unequivocal answer that aliens exist, but we should at least be able to conclude from the overwhelming evidence around the world that UFO's exist. However, without understanding what they are, who's driving them, or where they come from, we can't say for certain that they're alien. It's still possible that they're military, or even that they're time machines. We just can't know for now.

  2. I don't know about aliens ... but I've at least seen 7 UFO's in my life. I've kept an open mind about what I've seen though.

    One question that gets me is if any of them were from the military (i.e. from Earth), it makes no sense that firstly they were testing these over populated civilian areas, and secondly, that they were way beyond the scope technically than anything I've since those times seen used (and declared proudly as the latest in technology!) during recent wars such as the Gulf War, and in Iraq, etc.

    Also why not transport the president safely in one of these things as well, instead of the run-of-the-mill jets he uses now? These things I saw can out-move any jet! Or any weapon I've come across.

    So if they are "ours", then why have they not been put to good use???

    That does leave the question of could they not be under "our" control afterall, and if not then whose are they?  

    What I saw is similar to other UFO's  reported here in Australia, Germany, Mexico, Russia, and France, just to mention a few places. If these are truly "experimental aircraft" surely by the time you've "tested" them in all these areas, and not-so-secret ones at that, over at least 40 years ... you could say "ok, I guess they work, so let's use them!" No?

  3. it is paranormal and i believe it. the earth is so huge, so i think that aliens and ugo's r possible. it would be cool, interesting and fantastic too, don't u believe it?

  4. I think that it is premature for people to make up their minds one way or the other, since we have no proof.  People have seen UFOs, written about them, and depicted them for thousands of years, but there is no way to know what they are.  They have been tracked on radar, seen by pilots, military personnel, police officers, astronauts, and a president.

    A UFO is an unidentified flying object, but not necessarily from another planet.  But it would be egotistical for us to think we are the only life in the universe, akin to thinking that the Sun revolved around the Earth.  If there is other life, some forms are much more advanced than we are, because they are much older, so they may be able to get here from there.  Many people think that all sightings are of experimental aircraft, but then why would secret craft hover over O'Hare Airport and military bases?  Some people ask why haven't they landed on the White House lawn.  There was an incident where UFOs flew over the White House many years ago, but that is protected airspace, and they were chased away.  No one, not even an alien, is allowed to land on the White House lawn.  Do some research, see what you think, but it is not a good idea to make up your mind about what they are, because people who have researched for years still don't know for sure.  You might read "Leap of Faith" by Gordon Cooper, "Clear Intent" by Fawcett and Greenwood, "Left at East Gate" by Larry Warren, look up Sgt. Penniston, Rendlesham, and the affidavit of Walter Haut, the information officer at Roswell in 1947.  You can find it in the book, "Witness to Roswell," by Carey and Schmitt and probably on the Internet.  There is lots of silly stuff out there too, pay no attention to contactees, who have all the answers and say they know the names of aliens who have visited them from Venus or some other impossible place.  Those who claim to be abductees are usually as confused about their experiences as everyone else.  I am impressed by the stories of Travis Walton and some teachers, who had an experience in the Allagash, Maine.  It is a tricky area to research, lots of bull, lots of truth, and debunkers who try to explain it all away and only explain away parts, but not all of even one incident.  As an example, the Phoenix lights were explained as flares, but there were also numerous sightings that night of a huge, silent, slow moving aircraft.  Although the governor poked fun at those who reported seeing something unusual that night, he later admitted he had seen the craft also.  Anyway, no one can tell you, because no one knows, although many think they do.

  5. No.  There is no credible evidence that any aliens have ever visited earth.  most scientists agree that it is highly probable that there is other life out there, but the distances between us will make it nearly impossible for us to ever communicate and impossible for us to ever visit each other.

    Yes, there are situations that have not been able to be explained because the evidence is too weak, but not being able to be explained and proving that aliens have been here are two very different things.

    Many things that were sworn by UFO advocates to be UFOs have clearly been proven not to be UFOs.  For example, there is a program that plays occasionally on the Discovery channel showing hundreds of Arizona residents who would have sworn on a bible and bet millions of dollars that it was a UFO and the scientists proved that it was flares from the nearby Air Force base.  Even after it was proven, the UFO advocates would NOT give it up.

    To make a long story short, there is no evidence.

  6. StEpH, you seem like a swell kid and I don't want you getting freaked hearing it from someone weirder than me.

    So here is the pure unadulterated truth: yes

    This is so real even The Church of Rome has known about it for centuries.  Please don't loose any sleep over it. Nothing has changed and you are still in good hands.

    Now you know..

  7. Hi Mia,

    Please understand that there is actually no real 'aliens' that have ever nor will ever 'visit' our planet. The distances are just simply way too vast. To get a better understanding and to obtain some real science about this subject, ask this again in the Astronomy section. You will get some answers that will tell you that they get the same thing a number of times per day, but there will be some real answers backed up be real and credible science. The problem is you have asked it in section that has no real evidence to support their claims other than from pseudo sites and fringe sciences.

    I know a lot of people will give this a thumbs down, however, if you want a true and realistic answer, you need to get your information from true and realistic answers.

    You may also want to try a search in the "Search for questions:" bar at the top of the page and look for the answers that have already been given under the Astronomy section, and not from the 'Alternative' section.  

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