
Were there such things as pirates?

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I just want to know because they make alot of movies of them and in the books that I read(Redwall)the bad guys are always pirates...well not always...but I want to know....thanks!




  1. Definitely, both male and female!

  2. yes there were

    pirates aren't fake like some things, they were people who hunted treasure and stole things. They were your average day criminals

  3. AAAaaRRrrgggg.....there be sure pirates me matey.....ask me parate...

  4. Yes there were pirates and there still are around the horn of Africa (Somalia )

  5. Absolutely!  And furthermore, they still sail the seas today.  Their manner of dress has changed but not their motives.

  6. Yes and pirates are still around today, just in modern form. Today, they terrorize the waters off the coast of Africa and around the world. In modern time (today) they use Rocket Propelled Grenades and machine guns to hold up and target ships for "treasure" - which could be money, drugs, or jewels. Somalia has a p****y problem. The United States is trying to fight these terrorists.

  7. yes from 1500 to late 1700 " golden age of p****y"  pirates still exist, just not as many.ex tint

  8. pirates are real and live today.....they had a case last year that pirates robbed a boat  

  9. Absolutely were, and absolutely still are.

    The United States actually fought an undeclared naval war with pirates along the northern-most coast of Africa (in what is not Libya.)  Their city is now immortalized in the Marine Corps hymn - " the shores of Tripoli..."

    Pirates in the 17th-19th century actually held cities and had democratic, egalitarian societies that offered freedoms not had in "polite society" until the 20th century.

    Some olden pirates were cruel and ruthless, while others were less so.  Given the penalty for p****y, one might wonder why they would risk it, but it's a "dirty little secret" that many pirates were actually employed by countries to raid their enemies.

    Modern pirates abound all over the world, especially in Asia, Africa and South America.

  10. Yes.

    There were, there still are, and there probably will be as long as there are boats with treasure on it (or at least people to hold hostage for ransom, which is what most modern pirates do.)

    I think Julian Barnes wrote a story about modern-day pirates...seems like it was in A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters.

    You should read that book anyway, because it's really good.

  11. pirates are real and they still exist today, although they are more high-tech and less dirty.

  12. Yeah. It's pretty well known that pirates existed. They still exist today, jut in a lesser sense. Back when there were no cars or planes, we had boats. Pirates, basically a big crew that did not want a job, they were thieves, the sailed around blowing up and hijacking merchant ships and stealing their things. They also looted and raped on land and returned t their ships to sail away with their new found riches. In today's day and age you would call them robbers.

    Even a few years ago on the news there was a pirate attack.  

  13. yes there were and im obsessed with them!!

    some great ones to research:

    blackbeard, anne bonney/calico jack, grace o'malley

  14. There sure was. But they probably didn't look like what the movies and books say they did.

  15. yeah but they arent around anymore

  16. yes their where and they rocked lol they not like pirates of the Caribbean lol unfortunately otherwise they'd be rlly hot lol

  17. Yes, there were such things as pirates.

    Redbeard, Blackbeard...they were all real. True, movies have distorted some of the facts, but there were pirates.

    EDIT: Just so everyone knows, Kelly is a troll. She's been putting the same answer to questions all day...

  18. Of course there were pirates - a whole lot of history books document them.

  19. pirates have never gone away,friend of mine serving on a merchant ship was attacked off africa someplace by modern day pirates.these guys had a fast boat and ak47s.scary ****.you dont have to read up on blackbeard and captain peg-leg,just research the pirates of today worldwide.indian ocean,burma,indonesia.

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