I found four biblical rules, given by God to Moses, and I need to know a little about the enforcement of these rules.
Which ones were consistently and strictly enforced? And was there a special department in charge of enforcement?
(1) Parents who have a rebellious and gluttonous child are supposed to bring him in and have him executed. (Deuteronomy 21:21)
(2) If a young woman who is engaged to be married is raped during a visit to the city, her punishment is death. (Deuteronomy 22:23)
(3) If a slave-master beats his slave he is not punished as long as the slave recovers in a day or two. (Exodus 21:21)
(4) Hunchbacks and dwarfs, as well as some other deformed persons, are not allowed near the holy Vail or the Altar. (Leviticus 21:20)
Please select one(s) that you are familiar with, if you have extra info -- this question is for church folks because of their advanced knowledge of the Bible.