
Were they really sharpened?

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I got my skates sharpened for the second time the other day (the first time being after I bought them), because they didn't feel like they were cutting into the ice like they used to. I paid for a sharpening ($10.38), but somehow they feel even 'duller' than before. Before when I held them up, I could clearly see the hollow between the edges. Now, it's barely there. The blade seems flat. They don't cut my fingernail like I read sharpened blades should.

Even the skating feels different, but a guy at the rink told me sharpenings take adjusting to.

Anyway, is it just me, or did I pay for a job done wrong?




  1. Did you take your skates to be sharpened at a pro shop or a person that is well known for sharpening skates well in your area? It sounds like the person didn't do a very good job on sharpening your skates. Your skates will typically feel like they are gripping the ice more rather than less after I have them sharpened. I have to take my skates 45 minutes away to get them sharpened by a person at another rink because nobody nearby can sharpen skates well. Good luck!

  2. if they were sharpened well you would be able to see the hollow really well.  and you would have trouble with stuff like stopping for a little while, but have great edges.

    it doesn't sound like yours were sharpened well.  ask your coach who should sharpen them, or maybe give them to her.  it's really important to get your blades sharpened by someone good.  mine were sharpened at the pro shop for a yeah, and now the person who has started sharpening my skates told me I need new blades because I have no rocker or edge. =[

    good luck!

  3. A job done wrong.

    Go to ANOTHER sharpener or the sharpener who sharpened your blades the first time. While mine isn't as bad as yours, it's left with no noticeable radius of hollow.

    Ask your coach where to get them sharpened. or where he/she sharpens his/her blades...

    All the best!

  4. I had the same problem when I bought my new pair of skates this year. I got them sharpened soon as I bought them and then skated on them a few days later and I just kept slipping out when I tried to stop quickly and make sharp turns. Never been so aggravated in my life. So after the game I went to a guy who sharpens pro skater's skates and after that they were much better although the odd time they slip out so I guess it takes a few sharpens in my experience.

  5. A fresh sharpening does take a little time to get used to, but your edges shouldn't feel more flat.  Newly sharpened blades will take a little more effort to push and you'll feel like you could stop on a dime.....a little faster than your body's used to!  They should feel like  they're "sticking" to the ice more.

    It doesn't sound like they did a very good job if your hollow is less than it was before.  It may be poor equipment or lack of experience.  Sometimes rinks have just anyone sharpening skates, when for a good sharpening you need good equipment and someone with actual training and experience.  Be sure you take your skates to a skate shop or pro shop....some place the has a lot of experience.  Maybe take them back to where you had them sharpened or get a second opinion...maybe they will fix it for you (that is if you want THEM to....maybe just take them somewhere else completely!).  Good luck!

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