
Were they required reading at your high school?

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any of the Jane Austen books?

the Boewulf story?

or any thing that Shakespear wrote? such as Hamlet, or Macbeth? (anything other then Romeo and Juliet?)

and what grade were they required?

for me Jane Austen was Not a required reading for any grade, Boewulf was read in 12th, and Shakespear, we read something of his every year of high school. (R&J in 9th, the 12th Night in 10th, Mid Summer Night's Dream in 11th, and Macbeth in 12th.)




  1. 9th grade-to kill a mocking bird, and romeo and juliet

    10th grade -not sure i skipped 10th

    11th grade- great gatsby and a few others not too bad

    12 grade- f. 151 , the temperature books burn at. and i think a few others again not sure cause i didnt go through most of it i graduated 2 years early

  2. I don't remember any Jane Austen or Beowulf, but I remember reading Shakespeare as early as sixth grade.

  3. Jane Austin -- Pride and Prejudice (senior year)

    we didn't read Beowulf, but we did read Canterbury Tales and Paradise Lost (sophomore year)! And a lot of Charles Dickens.  and Billy Budd, my all-time least favorite book.  though perhaps i should give it another try now that i'm older.

    Shakespeare we read every year ... sonnets, Hamlet, Macbeth, Midsummer Night's Dream, Julius Caesar, Troilus and Cressida, Henry V, and probably some others I'm forgetting.  Don't remember which ones were which years.

  4. Freshman year: George Eliot: Silas Marner

    Sophomore: JD Salinger Catcher in the Rye & Of Mice and Men

    Junior: Assorted Hemmingway

    Senior: The Canterbury Tales, Hamlet and many others.

  5. Beowulf, yes in 11th. Both Hamlet and Macbeth as well in 11th and 12th (the year depends on your teacher).

  6. Yes, they were required readings. I remember Romeo and Juliet was in 9th or 10th. For some reason I remember Boewulf, but not sure what grade. Probably 10th. I think Macbeth was in 11th. I don't remember reading Mid Summer Night's Dream though.

  7. I remember Beowulf and Macbeth in 12th,  The Grapes of Wrath and Raisin In The Sun in 11th. Nothing Jane Austen, though. Scarlet Letter and Romeo and Juliet I think were Freshman year.

  8. I remember in High School which at that time was 10th thru 12th grades, we had to read a lot of Shakespeare; Hamlet, Macbeth and Romeo & Juliet.    We had to read The Scarlet Letter, The House of Seven Gables and Oliver Twist as well.  In addition, we had a great deal of poetry to read.  I remember reading poems by Emily Dickinson and Tennyson.  I can't remember the exact grades other than it was in high school.     We also had to read Beowulf (I believe that was in 9th grade though).

  9. 9th grade: Romeo and Juliet, The Secret Life of Bees, A tale of 2 Cities, Lord of the flies, Hamlet, Oedipus Rex, Antigone, and 12 Roman/Greek Myths

    Beowulf is in 11th.

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