
Were they right to suspend me and my brother?

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my boyfriend was basically trying to force me to makeout with him and do things i didn't want to do at school. when i told him no he grabbed me by the wrist and tried to drag me off. my brother told him to let me go but he didn't listen. my brother punched him in the face and the school suspended me and him. The never suspended my boyfriend because they said "he never did anything wrong"

WTF he was dragging me off towards the bleachers after i basically yelled no.

he was groping me after i said no

none of the teachers watch us at lunch! so there was no one to go to.

my brother was only protecting me

and what the h**l did i do??

were suspended NEXT year for the first 2 days




  1. Forget about your punishment.  What you did wrong was to date the wrong guy.  Luckily it was at school and not some dark alley that he was trying to pull you in.  I am sure he will be punished much worse by the students at your school.  And if he makes you out to be the bad guy, well, just remember that the good girls always come out on top!  I swear to this...Just trust that you did the right thing.  And, what a great brother you have.  Having your brother is more important than anything.  Teachers don't have eyes on the backs their head like us mothers do.  I am sure your parents know you did the right thing and they should do the right thing and talk to the school about the situation.  I am sure your punishment will be excused.

    I know it can be very frustrating at the moment.  Make sure you dump the guy!!

  2. How can you get suspended in the summer?

  3. get a lawyer, once the law gets involved, most people in the educational system get to overwhelmed to continue, the law is on both you r sides, just bring up the truth, all you can do. maybe alert the local medias??? they tend to have say in things they shouldnt.... but if it works....

  4. That really sucks! It is your bf's fault, not yours. Your brother did punch him though, reguardless of the reason. You shouldn't have been suspended, only your bro, and bf! I feel so sorry for you!! : (

  5. No wasnt right to me...get your parents to go to the school...if they dont lucky for you the 1st 2days of school ya dont do c**p soo you wont be missin much..and break up with that guy!!

  6. yeah, that isn't fair

    but no one saw Ur boyfriend do anything wrong and they must have seen Ur bro punch him

    but i still don't get y they suspended u when u didn't punch or kick him

    schools unfortunately have rules, which we have to follow

  7. Go to the head of your county school office. Explain everything calmly and I'm sure they will reconsider. Also get your boyfriend (now probably ex, hehe) to come, or at least tell him that you will explain his case if he doesn't come. I had a MEAN teacher in 5th grade, and I ended up being home-schooled for the rest of that year. Hope this helps! (Comin from a 12 year old brainiac.)

  8. you could tell the school that your boyfriend sexually harassed you. since he wanted you to do something that you felt uncomfortable with.  your brother gave him a warning to let go and he said no, which violated your safety.  i would break up with him, if you haven't already, and then go tell the school that, and if you have to get (or threaten to) the cops involved. that'll shut the school up. and you're lucky to have a brother that protects you, that's a really nice boy and he shouldn't get suspended for protecting you

  9. Whoa ur brother's awesome.

    Ur lucky for that.

    Also have your parents go to the school.

    Trust me when parents come yell at the principal

    everyone things fine from there. =]

  10. u and ure brother did it right ure just protecting ure self so wth ure brother hes trying to protect u from ure bf,,ure so lucky,,but its not right that u will be suspended,,,tell it to your parents,,,they will be the one to talk with ure teachers,,

  11. That is definitely not right. If I were your parents I would be having a talk with the principal about that....and I hope that he is your ex-boyfriend now.

  12. have your parents get involved and threaten legal action for failure to protect students while on campus. most teachers are jerks that really don't care unless you get an adult to back you up.

  13. Well if you want to go through the work, you could go to the police and charge your boyfriend with assault, since he touched you without your consent.  At least in Canada, a simple touch without consent can be considered assault.  I don't know if your brother could claim self-defense though since he was defending you, but you could definitely look into it.

  14. that is wrong your brother was right and i hope you broke up with your boyfriend but that sucks at least someone know what was right and wrong

  15. you're brother punched another person no matter how much most of us think he was defending you his in the little stupid book says you ain't supposed to fight and that is considered fighting but...

    i feel that you shouldn't have been suspended only your brother and what i hope to be the nastily and perverse EX-bf of yours!

  16. omg thats rediculous!

  17. Go to the person in charge and explain what happened to them.

    Tell them that you're brother tried to tell the guy to stop, but he didn't, so he was forced to use violence to defend someone.

    Explain to the school that its a lot easier to have a kid get punched on campus then have to deal with a rape or sexual harrassment lawsuit.

    and if they continue with the suspension, and you come back on the third day of school next year, if the teacher doesn't ask where you have been, ask if you can make an announcement.  Get up, and before the teacher can cut you off, tell the class that the reason you and your brother missed the first 2 days of school was because you were suspended because so&so tried to rape you on campus and your brother punched him to let go of you.

    If you get in trouble with the school, at least you've ruined that slimeballs repuation

  18. Do what everyone else does get there parents to go to the school and snap!!


    Break up with the jerk who grabbed you!

    You have a great brother also

    good luck =]

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