
Were those men trying to break into my home ?

by  |  earlier

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after my hubby left for office today, around 12pm, i heard knocking on my apartment door. i looked through the lens and saw 2 black men, one knocking on my door and another knocking on the opposite apartment door. while i was wondering what they wanted the guy casually put his hand on my lens blocking my view. this sort of took me back and i wondered what to do... meanwhile it had been like 5 mins and they kept knocking. i was beginning to get worried for me and my little baby and i called my hubby, who was on his way for lunch.. he told me not to open the door and that he ll be home any minute.

then i heard doors being opened and shut in the hallway several times and what sounded like somebody trying to open my locks.

around this time my hubby arrived and all noises stopped. after he came he said that there was a guy in the hallway with a cellphone and he strted leaving when he saw my hubby and also another guy left just as my hubby came upstairs.

they had parked their car in




  1. Yes, call 911.or the regular non emergency line.  Get that number now and put it by your phone or emergency phone numbers list.  This is by no means the same thing, but I once called the police because my dog-who never ever barks, started barking at the front door at 3'oclock in the morning.  I thought this isn't good, and had the sheriff come out and search my yard.  Upon reflection-I feel like a paranoid freak-BUT at the time it was the only way I was going to feel safe.  The good fellas are there to protect us, so anytime you feel threatened-call.

  2. Call the nearest person you can contact to stop by for a visit immediately,  on account you your child with you, then 911, having contacted baby's daddy first. (the quickest delivery service; fire dept....)

  3. yes next time call ur hubby and then the police!!! they will probley send a cap car out to see whats going on! hope u stay safe!!!!! and good luck!!!

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