
Were to keep a pad to change into during school.....?

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I'm going into 8th grade and just got my period this summer. I'm worried about having to change it during the school day. I'm just afraid where to put the pad. In my pocket, but it could fall out during gym or something (and no locker room we still wear the same clothes). I could bring a purse but I don't like the feeling of everyone knowing we have our period, plus every day since it could be a hazard our teacher can (and some do each day) peek in our purse and make sure we don't bring anything bad. I have a pencil case but who brings that to the bathroom with them? Thanks for the help! Oh, and backpacks (or Hollister tote bags used as backpacks lol) aren't allowed to be carried around.




  1. Get a small makeup bag and put it in there. All girls take makeup bags to the bathroom. Or you can keep it in your locker or bookbag until you need it and then put it in your pocket right before you go to the bathroom.

    I know it seems embarrassing to be seen with pads and tampons now, but in a few years, you'll be tossing them around and trying to scare the boys with them. Hang in there, you'll laugh about it all one day.

  2. I would recommend keeping it in your locker. If you need to change it, just quick stop by your locker.

    P.S. I'm going into 8th grade next year too! =]]

    Good Luck!

    XO Annie

    P.S.S. Please answer mine!

  3. I've always been afraid of this too,

    So I keep mine in the bottom of my shoe, under my foot and just make sure they're laced tight. It sounds wierd, but it's comfy and works.

  4. you can put it in your locker when you need it just ask the teacher to go to the washroom then go to your locker and get it then that way you don't have to carry it to every class so no one will see. if you have a locker buddy which my son have one he is going to the same grade as you but yes if you have to have a locker buddy just put it in your backpack I'm sure that your locker buddy will respect your property.

  5. Same problem. I'm worried I got mine over this summer too. I'm going to 8th grade too, but our middle school has locker rooms for gym. But our gym uniforms don't have pockets. I'm not worried about gym because its seperated between girls and boys, it's not co-ed.

    You can put it in your binder, but you can't like take your binder to the bathroom or sneekingly slip the pad out and put it into your pockets and take it. IDK, I'll ask my sister and tell you if you still want to know.

  6. i used to always (whether i had my period or not) keep at least one pad in the small pocket in my backpack ... which i wasn't allowed to carry around .. it had to be in my locker but at recess or lunch i would just slip one into my pocket and off to the toilet i would go.

  7. My sister just graduated, but at her school they weren't allowed to carry purses or backpacks to class, they had to leave them in their locker. She would keep her feminine products in her locker and then whenever she needed to change it she would just go to her locker, put it in her pocket, and go to the bathroom. Ask to go to the bathroom during class so you can go to your locker then, that way there won't be a bunch of kids in the hall to see you get the product out of your locker.

  8. If you can learn to use a tampon- Tampax has pocket size tampons. They are about 2 1/2 inches long- it's a 2 piece set that you put together once you take it out of the wrap. No one will know it is in your pocket.

    Don't change during class, is your second option. Put pads/tampons in a purse and use it between classes.

  9. purses usually have a zipper pocket inside them you could put it in there. Teacher's won't care that you have a pad in your purse and most are sensitive to the fact that you may be embarrassed it. But really it's a normal part of growing up and nothing to be embarrassed about.

  10. I put mine deep into my pockets. Once, I did put it into my pencil case, but  I must have had a deep pocket. There is not anything bad in having to change your pad during school.

  11. change during lunch


  12. ummmm im goin to say bring a purse take it to the bathroom with you its no biggy!!!!most people know bout periods at this age anyway so its no surprise to any of them!!!dont worry about it its not anything out of the ordinary ur lucky u just started i started in 6th grade!!!so dont worry about people knowing!!we all have it=]

  13. I would just keep it in your purse. Also if you ever do need to change it just ask your teacher. You may be embarrsed but dont be. They will understand. I assure you. By the way....good luck in high school

  14. I think your only options are either in your pocket or get a purse. Don't worry if you teacher inspects your purse every girl gets her period and its nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. its a natural phase of life and if it falls out of your pocket just pick it up and put it back in there. Do you have a locker? you could put one in your locker and get it out and put it into your pocket while you're getting books for the class you think you'll have to change your pad in. Good luck and don't be nervous, anxious, embarrassed, ashamed or anything about it.

  15. under ur shirt or in ur bra or in a shoping bag then go to the bath room use it and the dirty 1 discard.

  16. Wellll. I would say try keeping it far down as possible in your pocket or if the teacher ever does check your purse....dont worry about it because ALL girls will get embarassed some point about that. ie; dropping a pad, having (not opened) pads laying around. lol!

    but really the pencil case idea is really good. just start carrying your books so it doesnt look too obvious. dont worry chicka everyone gets its :) (minus the boys...obviouslyy.)

  17. Just use a purse. Because its a whole new year. But put the pad in like the pocket of the bag in the inside. :]

  18. Can you carry a make up bag? what about putting it in your makeup bag within a plastic bag to keep it clean.

  19. when u go into school in the morning go to the bathrroom and hide ur pad like behind the tiolet or something

  20. Keep them in the back of your locker.

    Sneak it in your pocket and go to the bathroom and change.

    And change right before gym.

    Trust me i do this ALL the time.

    I know what its like.

    Except for i started in 5th grade......................

    But still.

    Goooodddd Luckk.

  21. I am so glad to be a guy right now.

  22. just bring your purse. A lot of girls have purses.

  23. well, you can carry a purse. if your teachers look then that may make you feel uncomfortable though. do you have a locker? you can keep it in your locker in a purse and just grab your purse when you need it. or if your period is light, just change it right before school and right after. Oh, or put it under something in your purse if the teachers don't look around. or in a pocket in your purse.

  24. Keep some in your locker, head to your locker before going to the bathroom, and stick it in your pocket then. I wouldn't worry about the teacher looking in your purse, it isn't a big deal to have a pad in your purse. If a teacher DOES make a big deal out of it, go to the principle, and talk to your mom about it, the teacher has no right to make a big deal about it.

  25. when i was ur age i did not want people to know i had my period either, wat u have to remember is that most girls are feeling the same way. i really think a little cute purse would do  you good, just get something really cute and most girls will be like oh wow thats so cute, also try and move into tampons, hurt a lil at first but then u get used to em...good luck

  26. seriously, its not a big deal. its really weird NOT to have a period. Teachers wont get mad if you have a pad in your purse. You really need to grow up. But if youre really that scared just go to the nurse's office to change.

  27. i keep pads in the back of my locker behind notebooks and books and then just stop by my locker on the way to the bathroom or in an extra folder in my bag and then just bring my whole bag (i just use a gym bag from puma for school) cause i don't like purses.



  28. They make individually wrapped pads that fold into a discrete little packet that will hide quite nicely in a purse, bra, or locker.  Some bathrooms also have vending machines but you can't always count of em to work.

  29. The pencil case is probably your best bet. Just don't make a big deal out of it and no one will notice. Pretend you just don't want to leave it around. As long as you act like nothing out of the ordinary is happening, no one will think otherwise.

    That's the first rule of sneakiness... act like you're supposed to be doing what you're doing. Looking furtive makes people wonder what you're up to. Anyway it isn't anyone else's business.

  30. I don't like the idea of teachers searching your purse, that is just rude. There ARE purses with hidden compartments (wink wink).

  31. if you dont want to carry one around with you, you can always get one at the nurses station or the office. dont worry about the teachers seeing it....they know it happens and get one their selves so dont worry about being embarrassed...hey I even had one of my teachers ask me for one before! its not so bad...but you could always keep one in your purse, bag, or locker and go to the bathroom at lunch or between class really fast.

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