
Were u aware of this situation in the care industry.?

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Including childminders, home care workers etc.




  1. Working in the care industry is extremely hard work.  Long hours, back breaking, physically and mentally hard for usually, the minimum pay.

    As for the foreigners, most employed by the homes came in and worked for so called nursing agencies, barely none spoke English, so how they passed health & safety tests I'll never know, and generally, most were lazy thinking that if they worked a night shift, they could sleep all night.

    Families would be horrified at some of the stuff that goes on.  Care homes cutting corners so that they save money.  People being dragged out of bed at 4 am so that the required number would be up and dressed for breakfast.  Staff having to prepare food in the kitchens after doing "rounds" of changing and cleaning people that are incontinent.  Some of the worst homes I've worked in are the ones that promote themselves well.  Beautifully decorated and seemingly homely, yet, come nighttime, residents were left in their chairs, soaked with urine to their waists, put to bed without any pads (to save money)   Despite the so called checks by the health authority (of which I've yet to witness one) all these practices still continue.  

    After working in the care industry for years, hoping that I could make a difference to some, I would never do it again.

    *not forgetting, I've nursed maybe your grandparents or parents through their final hours and prepared them after death for their families, yet, a kennel maid in the local dog kennels is paid more than the care staff.

  2. The reasons why in care homes they are unwilling to work there are as follows, they pay is c**p £6.00 a hour on nights from 8pm to 8am ( UNSOCIAL HOURS ) you are treated like c**p, you don't have enough staff on to give the proper care that you would like to give and it makes you feel bad. National min wages £5.52. Most foreign workers use them as a stop off well looking for a better job. That's why she is leaving after 20 years and going as a mobile care worker, £7.20 a hour-or + expenses.

  3. No

  4. I feel that British workers are unwilling to take these jobs because they feel that there would be long hours with little pay and absolutely no promotion prospects. It takes skill to be a carer well one that is of any good.

    If a British person has never been close to someone who needs care then they cannot appreciate the skills and personal attributes that entails.

  5. Actually i am, some of my family have worked in the care industry as you call it, and that was at a time when Brits were mostly running the show, and the horror stories would make your hair curl.

    So its not just Johnny foreigner that has the handle on treating our elderly and mentally ill badly.

    The biggest problem is the regulations, where they live  nursing homes sprung up like weeds, and many were run by people with no experience whatsoever, little or no regulations, or checks, and i have listened to them talk about it with horror and incredulity. They did try and do something about it, but one woman who was running ones of these places who had worked there of years finally got the sack then simply turned up in another care home. Because there was no record no one knew what she was like. The abuse was appalling.

    And the really sad part is the relatives of the victims are the last to know. And nothing has changed seemingly. I wouldn't go into a home if you paid me.  Sadly many don't have that choice.

  6. Yes, and there's no excuse for the authorities being unable to access the criminal records of immigrants. Without a full background, criminal and health checks, they simply should not be allowed into our country. The inability of this shabby government to control immigration having opened the floodgates has left our country wide open to fraud, disease and the dregs of prisons from around the world. Jackie Smith is a very stupid blinkered person who is unfit for her position. As for Brits not wanting to work in nursing homes - would you for the rotten pittance called a salary? The profits from these places are enormous and can only be kept at that level by paying poor wages and giving only reasonable food - not particularly good nor nutritious. Then again the local councils don't like paying for care either and a lot of their homes are abysmal. God help anyone growing old alone who becomes feeble!

  7. nothing surprises me

    regards x kitti x

  8. Not only am I aware I could write  abook on it!

    No one REALLY cares what goes on in 'care' homes.

    I know this because I got sick to death complaining about it.

    People are abused and neglected, but all that matters is the paperwork.

    Care staff look after human beings and that is not reflected in their pay. Only the very dedicated (and they are extremely rare) will work for a pittance.

    Of everthing that I have seen reported in a TV documentary or newspaper - I have always seen MUCH worse!!!!!

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