
Were u ever bullied?

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I'm the youngest of seven boys, so i was never bullied for obvious reasons




  1. Every one at some time are bullied in some way .

  2. My middle school years were h**l!!! I was bullied so much, almost on a daily basis. When I took the bus, some older guys always followed me home and made of fun of me because of my German last name. I dreaded going to school when I was 13 years old.

  3. Yes.  I was in middle school (8th grade) and a guy on the bus felt it was his mission to make my life a living h**l because I was "chubbier" than the rest of the girls he hung out with on the bus.  Mind you, I wasn't "the fat girl" or anything like that, he just thought I wasn't "size appropriate" for his eyes.  I hated him and dreaded the bus rides home.  In the a.m. he was quiet usually.  I spent 2 years at that school constantly listening to him tease and belittle me about being fat and it totally sucked!  I'd confront him on a few occasions, but I wasn't good at confrontations and he always "won."

    There was a high school reunion held 10 years later and my friend went.  I graduated from a different high school.  She informed me that this guy had died and they had a picture of him in memorium at the reunion.  Never in my life have I been so glad to hear that someone died!!   She didn't get the details as to how he died, but I'd like to think it was something painful and lingering.  (that's mean I know, but you just don't know the anguish I went through because of him)

  4. I am the oldest sister to seven boys, and big for my age, and I was never bullied, but they might think I bully them sometimes. It great that your brothers never bullied you.

  5. not really I'm the youngest and I'm pretty petite i mostly did the teasing i feel really bad about it now

  6. No Was the oldest of 5 Brothers.

    never had anyone cross me enough to be called bullied.

  7. I come from a family of all jocks. sometimes we were the bullies
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