
Were u fansinated by the object that is the prism like your teachers hoped you'd be?

by  |  earlier

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When you just know after they'd clocked off at 4pm and sunk 1 and 3/4 of litres of alcohol they were the dribbling mongs u always suspected them of being in the 1st place?




  1. Your question is not clear.

    We normally accuse others of how we would behave in a given set of circumstances. I hope this is not true in your case.

  2. I'm "fansinated" by your inability to construct a coherent question.  Perhaps there's a reason your teachers drink.

  3. Well, we know YOU didn't get an A in English composition.

  4. You need to go back to school and take an English refresher course. I do not understand the question. Is this a joke?

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