
Were ur 2nd pregnancy labor pains feel the same as the first?

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My first pregnancy felt like menstrual cramps. I am 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I have had some pains that feel like sudden waves of "shocks" but no cramping... I don't know what to expect?




  1. For me the pain with the second child was much less intense.  

  2. all three was different. the first was pains in my legs the second was crotch pains then the third was back pains

  3. Each labor is different.  There is never a time when you say "Oh, this cramp or pain was exactly like the last time I was in labor."  I had 3 children and I can tell you the first one was so easy I could not believe it.  The second one I cramped for 3 days before he was born (but as soon as my water broke, he was born within 45 minutes).  My last one was induced for 2 days and it was so painful that if I had him first I would never have had another child.  Too much pain!!!!!!!!  Anyway, good luck with the new baby and just know it is almost over and you will finally be able to hold that little one that you have dreamed of for so long.

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