
Were victims of the Civil War or WWII treated worse? How does it seem to represent in today's society? ?

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Does it seem like African Americans are still more upset over the Civil War than Jewish people are over WWII?

Do you think the African American community expresses more outrage over how their people were treated during the civil war than the Jewish people do over WWII with Hitler - and that war was much more recent.

Since people do hold onto these things, who would you think has more of a right to be upset - over slavery or over the brutal killings in WWII?




  1. No.

    Don't think so.

    Look in the real world.

    How survivors of "Star on 45" with their children in "Area 51" from after world war two.

    How some of them became a "Better man" in time.

    With their success in honouring and worshiping God in time.

    The mess was only created after self independence.

    When some with lost sense of direction and purpose of life with self prides, self rudeness,self image of standing idol, self discrimination as people of different races of self racism with self lack of knowledge kicked the butts of God in no longer  worshiping God with cheap-skate ghostly stories on glory and success of National Identity with "My way" of self Independence without God in ruling , leading and guiding living human kind in time.

    With all "The young one" living in misery like cave-men from the twilight zone in different time zone of their own doing in own backyards without being aware of it being expose in time.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  2. Interesting question. The civil war was fought to abolish the slavery of black people and a few white slaves. WW2 had a genocide facet against Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies, and others. Both wars had the usual victims of civilians killed and displaced. I think WW2 was much worse in that reward because it was much bigger and covered much more ground.

    Jews have held steady to the premise that "it shall never happen again."

    Blacks have found comfort in being "victims."

    The black community part still affects society today because they just can't seem to take advantage of all the opportunities available. And they listen to looser leaders who keep them down. It's a shame.

    If Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, or one of the other racists every publicly thanked our white ancestors for fighting and dying to set the black race free, I would die of a heart attack.

  3. Who is to say that one atrocity is worse than another? Who can judge that? I think they both were equally cruel and evil.  

  4. You're a absolute moron

    If you think the only time blacks were persecuted in America was during the civil war....then you need to go back to school.

    First of all, to compare two brutal examples of human suffering as the Atlantic slave trade and the holocaust is just ridiculous. No one has "more of a right" to be upset. They're both disgusting.

    Now, to claim some African Americans are upset because they were victims of the civil war is a gross misunderstanding of American history. And I'm Canadian...

    Their ancestors were taken as property by European settlers and brought to America to be used as slaves for about 200 years. Once slavery ended they were still heavily discriminated against, threatened, and killed by Americans up until as recently as the 1960s. They didn't even have the right to vote or attend the same schools as white people, their two most prominent leaders were assassinated, and there are still people from the civil rights era around today. So to say the only time African Americans experienced any hardships in America was during the civil war is just ridiculous.

    Either way, this question is stupid as h**l.

  5. Slavery, in different forms and levels of brutality, existed for centuries, regarding Africans being brought elsewhere. Some Jews-and it wasn't a very little portion-were involved in slavery (African slavery and European slavery), and not as slaves. In WW2, many people, from different etnicities, were butchered. So in general, throghout history, Jews were not treated worse then other people. And in any case, WW2 Jews were not accused of "colaborating with the n***s", and today the mainstream Western media doesn't compare Jews to the n***s. So Jews are treated far better then Serbs, for instanse.

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