when i was 16 i got pregnant and placed my baby for adoption through an agency and now have no contact with my child. who is now 12 yrs old. i am able to send letters through the agency. i have never written her a letter because i was afraid of writing something stupid, it is really hard to explain why i chose adoption to her. I want to send pictures of my family and a letter to my daughter. I've written the parents but not her. i wanted to hear suggestions, like what to write. I think about her all the time and have a hole in my heart that longs to be with my baby, although I have two other girls, i cannot leave my first child in the past. her parents wont send me any pics or letters, im so concerned and i cannot legally contact her plus i dont know where she is. as an adopted child what do you think of your birthmother? are you angry with her? i need to know!