
Were you afraid of miscarrying?

by Guest62803  |  earlier

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I am only 6 weeks pregnant, and I'm so worried that I might miscarry even though everything is going good. Did you feel like this?? What did you do to calm down..Share some kind comforting stories or thoughts please..I need to relax..I feel like its always in the back of my head..Thanks gals




  1. Very very scared. I just had to convince myself that things would be okay because the majority of pregnancies are full term pregnancies.

    The best advice I can give is DO NOT go on the internet and look up things about miscarriage. You will just bombard yourself with information and you will be nervous constantly. This is what I did and I couldn't relax. I thought that every little twinge, new symptom, loss of symptom was a bad sign. Too much information sometimes is a bad thing.

    Now, I must say anxiety will be in the back of your head through the whole pregnancy - that has not gone away for me. I constantly think about "what ifs". But I've learned to seek out positive stories and positive experiences rather than negative ones.

    Good luck and congrats.

  2. Hey, i felt this the whole time through pregnancy too! especially in the 1st few weeks, you'll be fine, and so shall the baby! the 1st few weeks will fly by, trust me! after 12 weeks, the chance of miscarriage basically dissapears.  

  3. I never stopped worrying.... first 3 months i was terrified to miscarrying, then i was afraid there would be problems when she was born, now am paranoid when she sleeps, coughs, sneezes.. EVERYTHING...

    i guess its called being a mum, only thing i can tell you is take good care of yourself, eat properly get enough sleep, try and relax as much as possible, don't let the worry get so much that you forget to enjoy your pregnancy, this is the best time of your life... you got a busy busy time ahead so get alot of time with your partner, go for meals just make this one big holiday and most importantly enjoy it, congratualtions!!  

  4. i always felt like this, i would cry to my partner about it, theres not much you could do only get a doctor to listen to heartbeat but they sometimes can not do that till 12 weeks, and after 10 weeks you could always buy a Doppler to hear the heartbeat anytime you want x x x

  5. i was like that with my first child i was so nervouse all the time anything i did i thought was wrong i thought it was because i became pregnant at a young age .. if feels good to know other people feel that way. But this time with my second child i feel more relaxed i think because i found out a little later or maybe because ive already been through the process once before. All should be fine and good luck with everything try and read a book or do an activity that will take your mind off of your baby for a little while i know it is hard!  

  6. with my first pregnancy - no. it never even crossed my mind. from 6wks till 9wks, i was sick, tired, etc. after 9wks i felt great, the thought honestly never crossed my mind. i went for my 12wk scan, all excited, to be told my baby had died at 9wks - which was the explanation for the disappearance of symptoms, but my body didnt recognise it so i never bled or cramped. i had to have a D&C 3 days later.

    with my 2nd pregnancy - i worried constantly. if i felt sick, i thought is this too much, if i didnt feel sick, i thought the same thing will happen as last time. i bled intermittently and had a really difficult pregnancy and birth - but she got here safe, which is the main thing. i was so paranoid, that when i wasnt bleeding, id call the hospital and tell the i was spotting just so i could get a check up - not smart and not cool, but until you've been in my situation, you'll never understand.

    you are right, you do need to relax. this sounds harsh, but if its going to happen, then it will happen and there is no way of stopping it. there are measures you can take to decrease the risk, but nothing eliminates it.

    just try to eat healthily, take prenatal vitamins, relax when you can, and be aware of warning signs - discharge, cramping, back pain etc, and always call the midwife if you are ever worried, its their job to give you peace of mind.

  7. i think it's completely normal to be concerned about miscarriage, especially in the first trimester because it is a common thing. i did have a miscarriage in my first pregnancy but i was pregnant again in 8 weeks and am now 35 weeks pregnant.

  8. Yeah, I was terrified!  I'm 20 weeks and I'm still nervous.  Just make sure to know that every week that goes by is great because it lessens your chance of having a miscarriage, and once you get to your second trimester you're considered to be in the safety zone.  Things DO happen but all you can do is take care of yourself and hope for the best.  Good luck and congrats!

  9. I feel like this all the time, i done it with my first and im doing it now.

    I was more worried as it runs in my family.

    Im forever looking it up on the net, i just cant get it out of my head.

    I try to look at it as my first pregnancy was fine so this one will be too, but only time will tell.

    Good luck and im sure you will be fine.

  10. oh yes i had 2 miscarrages then finally got pregnant and had my baby boy gavin he is 4 months old.both of my miscarrages were at like 5 weeks pregnant. so i was nervous untill i had him. i thank god everyday for my lil boy b/c he coulda been miscarried also. i want more kids but i am so thankful just to have one. i dont want more for a few years tho!!

  11. I am also 6 weeks and am absolutely petrified that I will lose this baby (Lost my previous baby at 17 weeks).  Before my first U/S I worried about tubal or blighted ovum.  After the U?S now I worry that the heartrate was slower than in should have been.

    While most complain of morning sickness and sore b***s, I just Love it!  It means I am still pregnant.  Thats where i find comfort.

    All we can do is just hope for the best and remember that worrying isn't going to change the outcome wither way.  Hugs to you!

  12. i worried both times but nothing happened...i think it's normal.


  13. Yes, I always had that fear.. After you hear the heartbeat and stuff it gets to you more. Just breathe! Don't do anything thats not good and everything should be ok!  

  14. Yes, I was really afraid of it during the first three months, it started to calm down at about ten weeks though when it actually looks like a baby on an ultrasound. All that will cure is time.

  15. Yes, I had the feeling through my pregnancies that I would miscarry because they run in my family.  Luckily I did not.  Things went well for me and I am sure they will go well for you.

    Best of luck.

  16. ok so heres the dealio...i'm almost in my 7th month and sweetie i always felt like tha..i still do sometimes..but what i do to calm me down is think about me holdin my baby when he comes and raising my son to the fullest and all the happy things that'll come

  17. Your a worrier just like every other new mom.

    If you stress over it too, thats when bad things happen.

    Im a mommy of an angel (first pregnancy)  and a mommy of a beautiful 2 year old (second preg.) and am 13 weeks right now with my 3'rd baby( second technically) . Whatever happens is out of your control but just relax and enjoy the pregancy.

    Its funny im telling you this im just as scared as you are! =]

    Have fun! just try not and stress over it... being worried is a normal thing and you will worry aout everything especially if it is your first pregnancy.  

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