
Were you as sad as I was to hear on the news just now that Tony Snow passed away this a.m.?

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Every time I saw him on TV, I marvelled at his gracious, winning conduct and attitude. Can you imagine being as ill as he was and having a perpetual smile on your face...? He was the epitome of grace under pressure. And there is no one like him to fill his absence from the world.




  1. yes

  2. Has anyone here been following "taco" comments about Tony Snows passing.

    What a jerk.........of the highest order..

  3. Was Tony Snow Sadden when he stood in front of cameras and continued to lied to Americans about the suffering of others?

    I bet he was smiling on his dead bed thinking to himself " GEEZ, Conservative Americans are stupid "

  4. I'm very sad to hear that this wonderful man has passed away.  As you said, "he was the epitome of grace under pressure".  I always enjoyed listening to him and have always admired him.

  5. Taco is not just a jerk, he is a horrible human being

    It's comments like his that show why we have problems in this world of ours. Untill we can we talk kindly to one another and respect opinions other than our own, we are in trouble.

  6. I was definitely saddened by Tony Snows death. He was a very good man. If he had kept his health and had the desire I think he could have been President. He had the ability to give people confidence in themselves and their abilities. He

    saw good in America and believed in and loved his country.

    He took a huge paycut to work at the White House. He was unselfish and really cared about things greater than himself in a way that his critics will never understand.

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