
Were you aware that there's more people working for the government than people working in the private sector?

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Were you aware that there's more people working for the government than people working in the private sector?




  1. Of course.

    That because a "trend" when Liberals began taking over government. Liberals believe in "more government" is better government.

    The first and ONLY firing of government employees was during the Reagan administration (conservative administration).

  2. Yes, because I get my news from real sources.

    I am rolling all over this d**n floor laughing my AS$ off at the first responder! It really is very frightening to see someone deny reality like that. Just flat out look reality in the face and say, "Nope."

    It is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that George W. Bush has grown the Federal Government, and the PAYROLL of that government, to its largest size EVER. Of ANY ADMINISTRATION.

    And the first responder sits in his chair and types away a blatant LIE like, "oh, yeah! it's the liberals! they do that! yeah, yeah, yeah, it's the liberals!!"

    Uh, dude?

    Republicans have been running the show for EIGHT LONG YEARS.

    HOMELAND SECURITY has a budget so big they won't even tell us what it is!!

    And they are so incompetent and inefficient! A black hole for tax dollars!

  3. I don't believe it! I'd like to see your source. If you count the first four months of the year, I guess you could say that we all that pay taxes work for the Government in order to pay those taxes. But I don't believe that the Government payroll is larger than the private sector's!

  4. What geography are you talking about? US? An individual state? Time period? Source?

    If you are talking US, you're not even close. Preliminary data for 2007 indicate for each month TOTAL government sector, all industries (local, state and federal) employment was around 21 million, while for private sector, all industries it ranged from 111-115 million each month.

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