
Were you better than this in other lives? ‎?

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If this is YOU, the smartest of Egyptians, who can browse and use the internet also ‎can speak and write English and play with words, .. how about those poor millions we ‎see in the streets everyday, ‎

‎ .. , if "most of Egyptians" are just fragile reactive, timid, vindictive unclean people, ‎what makes them believe that they worth respect?‎

Were you better than that in other life? ‎




  1. WaWaWeeWa!?!

    God bless the ones in need insha'Allah they will find a good job or there life start to change into better insha'Allah it is very sad to see people on the streets starving an i wish i could make EVERYYYYY SINGLE PERSON on this earth not to be starving or die of thirst ever . and them to live a nice fun memorible life.

    every one deserves respect,no matter how much or little money they have. if there ugly or the most beautiful,or handsome person it doesnt matter every one deserves respect. even you Borat.but adjust your self better .

  2. You didn't send your message clear to us, pls explain more,

    But as i understood here, you are asking what makes poor Egyptian thinking that they can worth respect!!!

    Just want to tell you that any human can change himself to better if he want that, but it differs from person to another, but at the end if you want to change you will change, but you need Patience and faith, MOST MOST of the people, rich or poor, just want to live, i mean they dont seek the better personalities or better life with its real meaning, they only seek better car, better house, better mobile phone,

  3. What other life!? you need to ask a psychologist..may be a witch or something..

    and what's with this "vindictive" word? are you related to Borat? or is it just telepathy?

    you talk like him.

  4. every human is worthy of respect .

  5. Greed has been around since the beginning -- has and will remain unchanged.

  6. I think you perhaps had too much hashish this time- if anyone makes sense of Borats question let me know

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