
Were you bullied at school? how did you handel it?

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Were you bullied at school? how did you handel it?




  1. no i don't get bullied, but if i did i suppose i'd stick up for myself.

  2. I guess u just look forward towards the future! I'm a strong believer that everything I go through happens for an reason! There were times when I feel like no one was there I prayed and just hoped for a better tomorrow!

    The advice I can give to know who u are & love yourself and most importantley IGNORE!

    This year was my first year in middle school and people would hit me,talk about me etc... I just held my head up & kept going forward!

    Stay blessed.If u need more help e-mail me  

  3. I was never really bullied at school but my brother was and he just stood up for himself one day and beat up the kid that was givin him trouble. That sorted them out.

  4. Yeah, only once tho, I punched him in the mouth as hard as I could and he cried and ran away, never got bullied again.

  5. yes! I am 15 years old and still get bullied and someone wrote the name everyone calls me in pen under my picture in my friends year book. That hurt. With me its not just 1 person but a large amount of people. If you are being bullied talk to a parent or a school counselor even if they dint do anything about it talk to then about it on a regular basis that way there is someone to talk to about your problem and you will feel better! the most important thing to remember is YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! it may feel like it sometimes but it will get better and the older they get the more mature they will get and come to their seances of what an amazing and unique individual! good luck!

  6. pretended to ignore it and cried about later when I was alone

  7. I got into a lot of physical fights. I don't recommend it thought!

  8. I was a couple of times. I know people will give this a thumbs down, but it's true. One of the times I picked up a big tree brance and beat the bully silly. The other time I kicked him right square in the nuts.

    It never happened again.

  9. I was, but I was really young and these two boys would beat me up, they were a little younger than me, I was in year 2 and they just had to go to the office and say sorry to me, and promise they wouldn't do it again.

    A bit later I was, but it was more verbal so I just didn't care and kept a friend close, I wasn't afraid to give them some back too. Oh and then I moved classes, but I wanted to do that anyway.

    Both my experiences were nothing major and I didn't really suffer from it, in fact my grades got higher because I wasn't afraid to work alone.

  10. I used to be picked on at school, and I wrote a couple short plays about it.

  11. ive all wyas been bullied the only reason they bully you is cus they are jelous of you!! they do this to make themselves feel better

  12. seriosly dont listen to that c**p "ignore them, listen to your heart, smile" and s**t lyk dat.....u just gotta get some good comebacks and be stong [in evry way] its the only thatng that got me though it...

  13. I handled it by with-drawing off the school site. This was usually forbidden!

    So the bullies would either have to leave the school themselves - which was always hazardous - or forget about it.

    The plus side was that I could visit the milk-bar or delhi while out - and that I escaped by keeping a physical distance. So I won both ways.

    The teachers never punished me for leaving the school premises. :)

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