
Were you disfellowshipped for immoral conduct? if no....?

by Guest66915  |  earlier

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what were you disfellowshipped for or why did you leave the witness faith. please share because it needs to be known that not all left because we no longer wanted to live our lives with such high standards that G_d has for us.


I was not disfellowshipped I choose to dissassociate myself because after reading my bible and cross referencing it using the Nwt reference bible I found that certain things were being taught as truths and I was suppose to teach these to bible studies I was conducting I THINK NOT.





  1. When I was actually disfellowshipped I was getting ready to marry my husband who was a df'd Jw...I wrote a letter to the elders and told them I wanted a meeting with them so I could let them know what was going on.   I had not been to a meeting in over 6 mths...keep in mind that before this I  was putting in 60-90 yrs a month in service, had a book study going,  went to all the meetings and participated at them.  I hit a rough time and stopped everything.  No one contacted me to see what was going on or  if I needed help.  After 6 mths I decided to contact them.  When I told them who I was going to marry they said to me....end this relationship or you will be disfellowshipped.   I was appalled to say the least.   Where was  my support from them?  After I was  df'd I then began doing research on my own and angry for being misled by the  organization my entire life.   That was 20 yrs ago and I have never regreted my decision.

  2. Yep, immoral conduct, that describes my past life, got d/f for s*x before marriage, though linedancer is right, anyone will use an excuse to leave.  I approached the holy elders to plead my case, though I wasn't exactly repentant.  In the end, I seek the forgiveness of God Almighty, not 3 men with your file in their hand, deciding wether or not you should be shunned by their congregation.  It was very difficult for me after I left, more than I had imagined, but come to think of it, I had left 2 years before I got d/f, though I still share their bible-based beliefs, I do not share their keen interest in placing their hopes on the watchtower, a man-made organization that I do not believe is inspired by God, but that's just me, each to his own.  I am no longer leading an immoral life, and God sees my efforts, and since he is very forgiving, I'm sure he understands my situation and has forgiven me for my past, what do I care what the elders and the congregation think?  I do not aim to please them, I aim to please God.

  3. I was and then disfellowshipped.

    The first time I was disfellowshipped it was for not crying at the comittee meeting.....The second time it was for writing a letter of disassosciation..I think...You can not quit..they have to fire you.

    That being said..after being raped and sodomized by my "Witness elder Father" my sexual conduct is none of their healthy do you all think I was in my early teens?

  4. I can not believe some of the answers you are getting from JW's.  They are just not getting it at all.

    "Some ex-witnesses will use any excuse to leave the truth.

    Disassociation and disfellowshiping amount to the same thing.

    Wow, what a revelation.  They tell you no matter what, you are an apostate.  If you leave the "Almighty Watchtower" by pure choice or get disfellowshipped.  This is really a high control technique used by many cults.  Even though you have not turned your back on Jesus or preaching a different Gospel then the written word of God.  Unlike the JW's whom preach a different gospel then the Bible.  Even though they teach that they are in the truth.  Even though when the light gets brighter (new light) and doctrine changes. Which means they were not in the truth in the first place.  They cling to false doctrine and yet they have the capacity to call some one else an apostate.  They are the wolves in sheep's clothing and that is the truth.  JW's are controlled by the system of things which is run by Satan.

  5. LineDancer's comment shows the arrogance and ignorance of the witnesses!

    Give me a break, I know plenty people who remain witnesses and could care less about "authority" or elders or anyone else for that matter. Rarely go out in service, barely comment. They just "go through the motions" so to speak.

    I could have stayed going to the hall and put up a "front" like many others do, but that's not my thing.

    I have never been disfellowshipped, reproved, or even "counciled" for sexual or "immoral" conduct.

    I left the organization because I realized there are SERIOUS problems with it. Any organization sent and approved by God and Christ should have a better reputation of honesty and a flawless record of "truth".

    I see no examples whatsoever in the scriptures that show that representatives of God can be WRONG and then backtrack and call it "New light".

    I am utterly dissappointed in the behavior of the organization leaders from the beggining they have been dishonest and manipulating since Russell and have led many astray.

    I am also very dissappointed in the way they have change the bible and called it an "improvement". Surely if God's Word needed correcting, he would have used men UNDER DIVINE INSPIRATION to do so.

    And since the organization leaders admit they are not "inspired" they WERE NOT and ARE NOT qualified to alter the bible, even if THEY feel it is for the better.

    Also, as one's admittedly UNINSPIRED, they ARE NOT qualified to call themselves the "faithful and discreet slave".

    Surely representatives sent by Jesus would be divinely inspired and would not print lies and FORCE others to accept them, only to change the teachings later.

    This is the reason I left the organization. I love God and Christ with all my heart, and anyone who would like to label me with names or call me a liar simply because I have done what my bible trained conscious believes is the right thing to do, should really reread their bibles and reevaluate their qualifications to make such judgments.

  6. I was disfellowshipped for having a girlfriend.

    Oh if the story was that simple. Just prior to 1975 there were those that felt that if u didnt marry just before the great tribulation, u were doomed to a life of celibacy and lonliness. (No giving or receiving in marriage)

    Well my eye had fallen on a young sister(16), the daughter of a prominent elder. Me 19. Disastrous marriage, the end of the world didnt come and she strayed with an elder.

    Guess who got the chop though? Yes me. (I deserved it, but it took them five minutes and theyve never tried to find the lost sheep (me) I can assure u.

    They wanted shot of me and I of them I suppose.

    I had always felt (I am not a scholar and didnt and still don't examine texts to see where the comma should be)

    I now cannot believe that the Creator cares about all the small stuff they and other religions fight about. I think they fight about their particular uniqueness in order to make themselves marketable to their particular target audience. (In the case of the Jws happens to be really nice people.)

  7. I was difellowshipped for apostacy. It started by me questioning things in the literature, contradictions, flip flops, flase prophesies.

    I wrote a three page very respectful letter (You know what happens when you get in their face. You're out for a bad attitude) outlineing ten points about the literature that I wanted explained.

    What a tempest in a teacup!! The Circuit Overseer got involved. There were several Elders meetings with the CO that I was not even aware of. They even called the Watchtower Society as clueless Elders often do.

    I was called to a committee meeting and was told to shut up and "wait on jehovah". I said Bull!! The things I ask in my letter are from the Watchtower Society literature and they conflict.

    None of the Elder actually read my letter. They did send it to the Society. I asked than why doesn't the Society answer?

    They never told me. They kept saying that I had a rebellious attitude like Satan and if i kept it up, I would be disfellowshipped. How can someone asking his "spiritual leaders" questions, be rebellious, I asked. No answer, just more "rebellious/Satan/Disfellowshipped.

    When I was asked at the end of the meeting if I understood that I had to adjust my thinking, I said I understand that you WANT me to adjust my thinking, but how can i do that if no one will answer my questions. So, no, I told them I had no reason to readjust. Maybe if i had some answers, I would "see the light".

    I was informed by phone the next day, Tuesday that my disfellowsipping would be announced that nextThursday.

    Shortly after that, I began dating and of course it was said that I was DF'd for adultry, which all the Witnesses still believe.

    Notice the canned answers you get here from Jo Ho's about the disfellowshipped and apostates.

    Basically we all couldn't control our s*x urges, comitted adultry and were DF'd. After that, we either repented or became Apostate amd our whole life now revolves around turning Witnesses away from "The Truth"

    Personally, I do not care if all the Jo Ho's live or die. I do like to tweek them.

    ******EDIT****Mommy. good one! Well said! Ditto.

    ******EDIT****Linedancer: More canned responses from the brain washed Jo Ho's.

    Just to elaborate on Mommy's answer, many Jo Ho's simply are going through the motions, to avoid disfellowshipping.

    I bet the guy who invented disfellowshipping got a huge bonus. That one thing does more to retain Jo Ho membership than anything.

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