
Were you ever scared..or "spooked" in a church?

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Did you ever have a "bad feeling" or a "sense" that something bad was in there? Especially , if you are psychic...did you ever sense anything bad in a church?




  1. Churches creep me out.  I went to one recently as the godfather for a friend of mine's daughter.  She was baptized in front of the whole congregation while I was holding her.  It's very strange the kind of rituals some people go through.

  2. In a vacation in Europe, I had the chance to be in the Sistine Chapel and in many ancient churches of England, Ireland France, Germany and Italy and I could feel spirits of the people buried there still around, in the old days it was common to bury people in churches. I also saw the catacombs under Paris and Cemeteries in Prague, my dad has a thing for this kind of thing, very spooky indeed.

  3. I had a heart attack in a church. Not a fun experience...

  4. No, never.  A church is a holy place that I have always felt safe & secure.  It is one of the few places where I can be at peace.

  5. I don't recall being spooked by anything supernatural in a church, and I've seen some unusual things in some European churches, such as relics which were bones of saints and a preserved body which looked all black.  In Italy the little churches seemed so interesting to visit, with their Romanesque architecture.  

    What spooks me more is some of the people in some churches in the U.S, because not all church going people have good will.

  6. My friends and I cut school.We knew Sister Angelina had found out.Entering church the next day.I had a "bad feeling"and "sensed"something there.It turned out to be Sister Ange.My fear was justified.

  7. Many times.  I was in the middle of an old old abandoned church and suddenly my eyes were covered by like a red film and I saw all these people crowding me.  and I was trapped.  Then a priest or pastor person stepped in the front of the crowd and just looked at me, his eyes were all black.  like the demons on charmed..  Then my eyes were just fine.  i got out of there so fast, i dropped my knife.  i didn't go back for it.  darn thing cost me fifty dollars though.  but that's what i get for being psychic, huh!?

  8. Yes I was on my knee's praying when something really fast (I was on the end)

    Went by me and gave me a cold burst even my mom said "It got colder in here"

    Then something pulled at my hair when no one was sitting or standing behind me (I was at the very back)

    I always get those feelings when priests bless someone or give a prayer before they die they follow the priest in the church and live there

  9. No


  10. Well my father is a paranormal scientist and one time he was in a church and they saw how the windows broked. Well yes yes i have.........the same

  11. Heck yeah!  I had to take a religion class in college and one of my assignments was to go to a church service different than mine and write a paper about my experience.  I'm Catholic, so I went to this non-denominational church service with one of my friends.  It didn't feel at all right... The congregation was huge with double balconies, some bizarre giant "anointing pool" behind the altar, and the people were all mesmerized by the preacher.  He'd start telling stories and then cut the story off right before he got to the main part and people in the crowd would literally yell out come on father, finish the story, tell us what happened, etc.  Like it was story time in some preschool class.  This preacher had complete control over his congregation and there was no pattern to the service.

    And ohhh, when they started playing music it got really creepy.  People would go into some kind of trance and start dancing around in the aisles with their hands in the air.  At one point it seemed llike all of those arms in the air were horns sticking up.  These people weren't trying to learn the gospel, they were going to church to get high off some sort of unearthly energy that didn't seem divine to me. Anyway, it felt way wrong being there.

  12. Even though a church is considered a holy place, does not mean it can't be haunted.  if a person enjoyed being there in life, why not in death?

    My old church creeped me out some when I was a little kid.  It was around 70 years old or so, with lots of interconnecting rooms and the place was huge.  

    I loved it though.  Yeah, it was creepy in the dark (especially one night when my Wednesday night bible study group stayed the night).  But it was fun.  

    I don't think it was haunted though.  A church is still a building. Doesn't matter what goes on inside, the building itself can give you the spooks, even if there is no reason behind it.

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