
Were you heartened by the LPGA's politically incorrect move to require its players to speak English?

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Comes now the Ladies Professional Golf Association that, realizing that sponsors who fork over big bucks to sponsor golf tournaments and the Pro-Ams that come with them, expect the players to interact with pro am players, employees and fans, is now requiring its players to speak English. Surely this will rankle a few. However, I think it is a masterstroke, as the only other real option was to have the LPGA die off. The non English speaking players can thank the LPGA commissioner several years from now, when they are still cashing paychecks from golf tournaments that wouldn't exist without this move.

What do you think about this move?




  1. Que?  No comprendo.

  2. That's provincial and short sighted. I'm going to boycott the LPGA because of this.

  3. Yes. I agree 100%! And Obummer is talking about make us learn Spanish... Sorry brother where i live the flag is still RED,WHITE,and BLUE!!  

  4. I think it's great and I'm glad that they had the "balls" to do it.

  5. Does it really matter. Golf is a good walk spoiled.

  6. Its golf

  7. I am now a fan of the LPGA.

  8. I think that it is a practical rule, and I am sure that very few players would not support it. The reasoning is sound, and there is a genuine concern for ability to communicate. It's clearly not based on prejudice, but a genuine desire to retain sponsorship.


    There is something called BASIC ENGLISH which was developed in the 1930's. It is a very limited vocabulary that allows you to communicate and say 98% if all concepts. The problem is that it does not necessarily allow you to understand everything that is said to you. But at least you can deliver a speech and if someone helps you with the question, you can answer. It only takes a few weeks to learn.


    First four verses of the bible in BASIC ENGLISH, verse #3 is unchanged since it is already in BASIC ENGLISH.


    1) At the first God made the heaven and the earth.

    2) And the earth was waste and without form; and it was dark on the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God was moving on the face of the waters.

    3) And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

    4) And God, looking on the light, saw that it was good: and God made a division between the light and the dark,

  9. I agree and love FONZs answer.......

  10. Golf has such ridiculous rules already and this is just another one of them.

    Don't care about it being non-PC, just a dumb rule overall.

  11. I totally support this organization's right to make its own rules.

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