
Were you hoping Kyle Busch would have won to add some excitement to the race????

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Everyone hates Kyle but wouldnt it have been good to see him win so people could hate goodyear AND Kyle Busch?? I guess we will have to wait until Pocono for his next win.




  1. No  No excitement there.  Been there done that. 7 times already.

  2. I sure was but hey he had to dispel all the claims that he was a robot and/or an alien species by showing that not even he is perfect occasionally.

  3. How would that have added excitement?  The haters got impatient and threw the beer cans at Hamlin instead...

  4. I always hope he wins..

  5. i wanted earnhardt to win, but the Busch are ok too!

  6. no kyle dont need to win any more races again

  7. Um no i don't want him to keep winning right now and i'm glad Jimmie Johnson won!

  8. who would actually want him to win

  9. i was hoping it the whole time - especially once he was out front. but i think taking four tires on that last pit stop hurt, but a top 15 when his next closest competitors were only a few positions ahead of him will do...

  10. Everybody already hates those sitty waste of rubber, in otherwords, good year, there probably made in China! I still hate Kyle for wrecking Jr. a couple months ago

  11. Heck no!!

  12. Kyle's my 2nd fav but got just as much excitement from my JImmie winning!!!

  13. ok

  14. I don't think that would've added excitement XD

  15. he better save some wins for the chase..that 48 team is looking good.

  16. jesus christ i'd hate that.

    why did everyone hate the race and stuff? I was like the only one who liked the constant cautions, the runs, the tucked up racing, and the numerous pit stops. It made racing a true team sport more than a usual race.

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