
Were you impressed by Michelle Obama's speech tonight at the convention?

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Were you impressed by Michelle Obama's speech tonight at the convention?




  1. No.

    In fact, I was so shocked that there were so many bad public speakers at the DNC. Michelle, Craig, Ted Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy - I thought they could all benefit from a public speaking course, actually.  

  2. I was watching her body languague, i got the distinct impression she was a tad shaky and very scripted. i was not impressed by her, i find her a very standoffish type person like Nancy Reagan was. her appearance was nice, but, in the dress dept, she needs some help choosing a correct fitting style, she dresses much to old for her age. she just appears to me to be fake, and very unfriendly type person, sorry but i find her very s****..

  3. It was a solid speech, not great, but well thought out, and from the heart.

  4. I was impressed by the fact that she was the first Black woman to be there.  

  5. No; birds of a feather, telepromt together.

  6. At the beginning she clearly was a bit nervous but yes very impressive. Composed, dignified, on message and likable.

    Her daughters were the real stars though, so cute and totally unscripted, a rarity in American politics

  7. yes,

    i was impressed by her intelligence

    i didnt notice her reading a script

    she's a beautiful smart lady, with a good husband and 2 fantastic kids

    hard to believe she's a lawyer.. which is the only thing that knocked her down a notch.

    obama 2008!

  8. Not impressed. Also, I think once you give a speech at a major political event, the  gloves come off. She is fair game now.

    Can you believe they brought the kids out!!

  9. No. She completely avoided that she believes in a woman's right to abort their children, and praised her family, and children, all the while thinking like Barack, that family, and children are acceptable to her to die by the hands of their own mothers. Does that mean her, and her own mother, too?

    Michele Obama had no magic to work over me, to switch her orginal statement of not being proud to be an American, and definately did not confuse me enough to believe that she truly believes in family, and their strength, and value. She still agrees to murder of the healthy, and unborn, if it's unwanted.

    She isn't a very good deceiver, and I am happy about that, when it comes to her, but that's all.  

  10. I was impressed that the biggest round of applause that she recieved was when she mentioned Hillary Clinton =)

  11. No, isn't it strange that Ultra liberal radicals must repeatedly give speeches saying things they don't beleive, to cover up for earlier things they have said that shows their true feelings.

    Michelle Obama "For the FIRST time in my adult life I am proud of my country"

    Don't slam me, just repeating her own words.

  12. I like what Sen. Obama said after her speech. "Michelle, you were unbelievable"

  13. I enjoyed her speech, and thought she showed a great deal of feeling.But, this was probably not difficult because anytime a mother discusses the love she feels for her children she will usually get choked up and teary eyed. I thought she did a great job and is a good speaker, but I also found morgan freeman and jack nicholson quite endearing in the bucket list. Politics are politics. The Obama's are quite charismatic, unfortunately, that is not what I base my vote on.  

  14. I didn't bother,I have heard quite enough of Michelle. We know what Michelle really thinks,why bother with all the staged scripted BS.


  15. Best part of tonight was every time cnn mentioned Hillary and the discord, which they kept trying to blow off. I was not impressed at all. Sounded phoney to me!

  16. I thought it was amazing, it really gave me a sense of who Michelle Obama is.

    Wow.. how many conservatives are on this site??

    And McCain SUCKS at giving speeches, so I think Michelle Obama did one h**l of a job.

  17. No, Guess i was expecting her to explain  how the Wright and others things we need to know  if her husband was the man in the news  doing these things. or was he a Man that could and never would do such things. .But that did not happen, So I will take it.he is the man in the news papers ,doing the things they say he dose.since she did not deny it.  

  18. no way somone wrote the speech and she delivered it in a mundane manner with forced fake tears.

  19. Her speech was fantastic.  The conservatives on here wouldn't have liked anything she had to say -- so I would avoid their comments like the plague.  But in reality, her speech couldn't have been any better than it was.  If she was reading from a teleprompter (as some jerk complained above), she could have fooled me.  Someone else complained that she had her kids on stage afterward.....if this is all the c**p these sour people can stoop to, you know she did great!

  20. Impressed by what?  It was just words. We know how she really feels.  The Obamabots are just confused.

  21. Only the republicans would be impressed because they are the "closed-minded" ones who don't know anything about others and they are also the ones when they don't agree to others they spread hate by destroying them...

    A new America is coming with the "change you can believe in"!

  22. I wouldn't say I was impressed, but I thought she did a good job.  I think it was good that she gave some insight into her family and upbringing.  She and her husband certainly have a very different story then the majority of politicians out there.  I hope that Obama talks about how he will achieve change in his speech.  It was also good that she didn't speak about the issues, she is going to be first lady which is not an elected position and therefore should not speak policy during any speech that she might give.  

  23. no!

    it was so fake and generic!!!!

    To "My profile" The chick two below me,

    at least mccain doesnt tear up. Thats what was fake!

  24. Absolutely. I thought she did even better than Ted Kennedy, and that is really saying something.

    Hearing her speech was very refreshing.

  25. I thought she did a pretty good job with her speech, she has obviously been heavily tutored over the past few weeks on toning down her Angry Black Woman persona.  At least she got out "I love America" without choking on the words.  I'm not at all convinced that  the made over Obama's baby momma is the real Michelle.  Biden's wife sure didn't seem overly impressed, she looked more like she was sucking on a sour pickle.

  26. You can never tell who a person really is when they are giving a rehearsed speech written by someone else.  We got a good idea about who Michelle Obama really is in the primaries, when she spoke her opinionated, arrogant mind.  Anything she says since they told her to shut up, is phony and scripted.  I was never impressed with her, and now I respect her even less.  I respect people (even if I disagree with them) when they just stand up for themselves and who they are, and not buckle under the pressures of being more 'acceptable'.

    She would be more acceptable if she just got up there and said what she really feels - trash America, say you've never been proud of your country - say you can't wait to get to the White House and change everything  - whatever, just don't be so dam# phony.  That's what turns my stomach.

  27. Since when does she love her country?  Oh, did she mean Barack America?  Is that the country she loves?  What an obvious fraud that speech and she was.  I especially love the way she pimped out her daughters on stage to wave hi to their daddy on the big screen.  Nice touch.   She and her empty suit husband are pathetic.

  28. Yes,I thought she was very eloquent and that the speech was very heart-felt. She seems like a very intelligent and caring person. I really hadn't known much about her,but tonight,I think she did herself,her husband and the Democratic party proud! And the little girls are just adorable!

  29. No.  I'm impressed by her acting abilities, and I thought it was interesting that she wore a dress that is the same color as the pet chameleon I had as a child.  

  30. Yes. It was very touching and if you weren't moved by it you must not have a heart. These are the struggles we have to go through in America, she didn't make it all up. At least they can relate to us, they know how hard it is. John and Cindy do not. Especially Cindy who didn't have to wok a day in her life because her dad gave her everything she needed.

    Kyra, it could've have been worse than when John McCain speaks. The weird pauses, his insincerity. I can't believe a word out of his mouth. He sounds so fake and BORING.

  31. I gave her an A+ with that speech. It showed how intelligent she really is and if her husband is even smarter then the country will be in great shape if he is indeed elected....

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