
Were you in any kind of debt when you got pregnant?

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Was it alot? Do you wish you would have waited to have kids when you werent in debt?




  1. yes because we got married right after we found out & my husbands student was unplanned but we couldnt be happier.

  2. Does the mortgage count?  Other than that we didn't have debt with the first child.  Didn't have debt until about a month before the second was born, since my darling hubby tore his medial meniscus and ACL playing softball.  The surgical repair was around $40,000, and while we are so grateful for insurance, there went all the money we had set aside for the birth of baby number two.  In October it will be two years since then, and we've almost crawled out from under, but things were tight for awhile.

  3. Oh boy. We had about $22,000 in credit card debt due to household repairs that were necessary immediately instead of being able to save up that money.  We now have about $16,000 in debt. It is slowly but surely being taken care of (we are going off of one income too, im finishing up college classes with a full time job set up for January). But if you wait til you are financially ready to have a baby, you will never have one. No one is ever financially prepared for a baby.  

  4. Not in debt but no money either. Baby is due October 22nd and we are broke.  

  5. No, not when I got pregnant, but after we had our daughter we borrowed money for a bigger car, then we had various small interest free loans which we paid off before the term ended, and then we bought a 4wd too and that is being paid off. So we HAD kids when we werent in debt, then got in debt lol. The only debt we have now is for our 4wd, everything else is paid up.

    Oh wait we are in Australia too so my fiance has a $35,000 HECS debt still, but it comes out of pay like tax, you don't really notice it, plus I am adding to that as I started uni this year

  6. My Mum has always said that if you wait until you have enough money before starting a family, you'll never actually start a family.

  7. Yes severe, we were in about 15,000 of credit card debt at an interest rate of 29% when we fell pregnant. Not to mention my husbands increasing school debt of 13,000 (hecs debt we are in aus)

    My husband fast tracked last year at uni and was able to work full time with alot of over time to pay of our credit card debt before we had our baby girl.

    we put our minds to it and know all up (apart from uni debt) we are debt free and feel alot better for it.

    It was a mistake we will never do it again

    we both thought well we are always going to never have enough money anyways and we wouldn't change a thing when it comes to our little girl

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