
Were you into pokeman when you were a kid?

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and did you grow up to be normal?

I never was since my family couldn't afford the cards. But I don't think I would have gotten into it either way.




  1. yes i did i love the show. i am normal relativity. no mental problem or bodily problem

  2. Um, NO. I grew up during the nineties and i do have to say, the other kids who were trading the cards and stuff sort of weirded me out a little. So my friends and i were always into American Girl and stuff like that, but never Pokemon. That reminds me, though, my brother did go through that Yu-gi-oh stage. Fortunately he grew up to be a very normal, and relatively sane person.

  3. I liked the show, but never took the time to mess with the cards. I grew up normal, I think, though I've been told I'm a very creepy and disturbed individual. Pokeman would only be a problem if a person was obsessed with them for a long time.

  4. oh man...i loved the show. me and my big brother would wake up so early before school just to watch it. and we would save up ALL the money we got for doing chores and buy the cards. we didnt play the game but we collected cards and showed them off at school and stuff. it got so crazy that my school outlawed all things pokemon hahaha

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