
Were you nervous for your Baby Shower,lol?

by Guest58870  |  earlier

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Hi Im having my first baby shower ever next weekend,& Im kinda nervous because all the attention is going to be on me & the baby,& everyones going to be talking about us(Good things).We're having it at my church & as far as I know a lot of people are going to be there.

Did you feel this way?

How should I act around others,lol.

Oh by the way,Im a lil shy so its going to be scary for everyone stairing at me,lol.





  1. I felt the EXACT same way,  I am kind of shy too, and the thought that everynes eyes were going to be on me while I was opening the gifts kind of scared me. I didn't want to give the wrong reaction for a gift and hurt someones feelings. I am this way with Christmas too, lol I don't like it when everyone is staring at me waiting for my response. What I could suggest is don't think about the shower at all, really try and just get it out of your mind, when you are driving up there to go, think about other things, this way you completely de-stress your self about it. So you aren't thinking about it getting nervous. Also, they are there for you! And it won't be completely silent, people will be eating their cake/etc and talking amongst eachother, stuff like that. Just be really thankful for everything that you get, and even if you don't like avoid hurt feelings. Make sure and have someone take pictures, you will regret it later if you don't.

    Good luck and have fun k, its your day, there won't be many of those when that baby comes!!

  2. I'm not shy... I am excited about the shower. Scared that we wont get everything that we need... I cant wait mine is the 21st of June.

  3. You sound just like me!!!!!!!!

    I'm shy too. We had my baby shower at my step-mother's church and I was so nervous. I really hate being the center of attention too.

    At my shower I had to sit up front and open the presents in front of everyone.

    It wasn't so bad once I got up ther and started.

    Just focus on the gifts and relax.

    Thank everyone as you go; right after you open that gift because your going to be too nervous to remember what everyone got you to thank them later on at the shower.

    Your gonna have so much fun!!! Try to enjoy it and have some one take lots of pictures.


  4. I HATE being the center of attention, so my baby shower was agonizing for me... but you'll get through it! Just be gracious and remember that these people all care about you and your baby!

  5. My babyshower is this Sunday but it's just going to be a few of my family members.. I said that I was absolutley not having a big one because I hate all the "attention", it makes me uncomfortable! And even though it's just family, I still wasn't comfortable enough to ask for things... I just told them to get whatever they wanted!

  6. I hate being the center of attention. At my wedding shower I was so nervous and then on top of that I had future in-laws giving me lingerie. So embarrassing. I am looking forward to my baby shower, the gifts will be stuff that I need and I now know my in-laws better.

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