
Were you treated like a prince/princess as a kid? How did you turn out?

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I clicked the wrong forum. Feel free to answer anyway. We all had parents...




  1. I am very laid back and and I don't get upset very easily. I am quiet in groups and tend to be pretty shy.

    But I expect to be first in people's lives. And I have an overbearing need to win. I am very stern and to the point when I need to be and don't allow people to take advantage of me.

    So, it is good and bad.

    My parents treated me like that, but not with money. Not enough of it. lol. So I am independent and currently pay for everything I own. And I have since I was 16.

  2. I definently was not treated that way and I turned out great.  Had to work throughout high school and college, pay for my own college, not given special attention.  On the other hand, my brother (younger) was spoiled and now is 24 and still lives at home, no job, has wrecked 4 cars, and does drugs.

  3. no, I was treated more like a burden and a personal maid for my parents, Now i guess i would consider myself more independent because of it.

  4. No I was not.  I turned out being a person that has to fight.  Through my College years and also my professional career.  I was not raised with kid gloves. I am happy, and I'm happy that my Parents didn't raise me with a sense of entitlement that most youths seem to have today.

  5. no i was more like the wicked step kid my brother on the other hand was the prince of something,

    and he still is,,  

  6. how does this relate to pregnancy?

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