
Werid heart beat when i lay down?

by  |  earlier

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hi im only 14 and since yesterday i have this weird heart beat when i lay down nothing hurt my heart just kinda flutter's and have an weird heart beat. what would cause this?




  1. nothing 2 worry abt!!

    ur going 2 die!!

    R.I.P!!!my boy...

    jus kidding!!!!!

    its nothing actually if it dosent hurt!!!!

    it happens when ur freaked out abt something!!!

    it happens 2 me 2 sometimes!!

    but if it hurts or still continues i say U GO SEE A DoCtOr!!!!!

  2. You need to see a doctor and they should do an EKG and an echocardiogram on you to see if you have the flutter.  If you do have one you will probably be referred to an electrophysiologist( that is a doctor who deals with the electrical impulses of the heart).  

  3. Go see your doctor. It could be serious.

  4. It could be something as simple as a potassium/magnesium deficiency or anxiety, or something a lot more serious. One way or the other you should definitely get it checked out by a doctor just to be on the safe side - especially as it seems to be happening somewhat regularly!

  5. You should definitely see a doctor.  It could be something as simple as dehydration or too much caffeine to something serious like a heart condition.  The best thing to do is to have your doctor check it out to rule out anything serious or life-threatening.  I had a similar problem, and it turns out that I have a congenital heart defect (I didn't have any pain either).  It's always best to see a doctor for anything heart related.

  6. Did it feel like it skipped a beat or something like when somebody scares you?  You probably had a heart palpitation with is very common with teenagers, so don't get too stressed.  I had them when I was your age and I'm 43 now.  Just to be sure, ask your parents to schedule a doc appointment when convenient.  Also, ease up on caffeine and no diet pills.

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