
West COast Insurance question....?

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Im thinking of changing my insurance to west coast insurance...but first I would like to know those of you that have it, how satisfied are you? Please let me know...




  1. We have a couple of life policies with West Coast at the moment. Processing was fine, rates reasonable. I guess the acid test is whether they pay out or not...and I won't be around to see that either way. Be a bit of a bummer if I paid all these premiums, and after I shuffle off this mortal coil  they wriggle out of paying my family on a technicality!

  2. WCL is a Protective Life company.  They're good, but use the term life quote tool on my site because you may find a couple others that have better rates. It's non-invasive and asks no personal questions other than for your date of birth to get the quotes.


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