
West highland terriers...?

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i want a west hightland terrior someday, but i dont know if they are a good tempermented dog, or if they have any problems, health related, do they get fat easy, do they get hip displasia, what happens, please tell me the ups and downs on these adorable westie dogs..

thankyou! all information is helpful! <3





  2. West Highland White Terriers, commonly known as Westies, are a breed of dog known for their spirited personality and brilliant white coat. They are friendly, good with older children, and thrive on lots of attention. Like most terriers, they have plenty of attitude (some might say &quot;spirit&quot;) for a dog their size. This breed is commonly recognised because it is used as a mascot for Black &amp; White (a brand of Scotch whisky) and for Cesar brand dog food.


    They have bright, deep-set eyes, as dark as possible, with a penetrating gaze. The ears are small, pointed and erect, giving the animal an alert ready-for-anything look.[1]

    They typically weigh about 15 to 20 lbs (7.5??“10 kg) and their average height is 11 in. (28 cm) at the withers. Their tails, typically naturally &quot;carrot-shaped&quot;, should never be docked and are held upright. The tail should be between 5-6 inches.

    They also have deep chests, muscular limbs, a slightly convex skull, a short and a closely fitted jaw with scissors bite (lower canines locked in front of upper canines, upper incisors locked over lower incisors.) Their teeth generally appear quite large for the size of the dog. Their ears should be held more or less upright, but not pointing straight up; it is essential for any dog to carry themselves properly when showing. Westies have a very strong bone structure for their size.

    They have a soft, dense undercoat and a rough outer coat, about 2 in. long, that requires regular grooming. Some Westies have &quot;brandy stains&quot; on their backs and/or feet, but this is undesirable in show/breeding specimens. The natural coat is of medium length and somewhat shaggy like that of a Cairn Terrier. Many enthusiasts prefer the &quot;lion cut&quot; where the fur around the face is left long like a lion&#039;s mane, but the rest of the fur is cut short.

    Their paws are slightly webbed, which one can notice by trying to pass their finger between the dog&#039;s toes.


    This breed, descended from working terriers, has a lot of energy, tenacity, and aggression towards its prey, which was originally the rabbit and other smaller animals, such as squirrels. This history has endowed the Westie with a bold temperament that leads many to call them &quot;big dogs in a little body.&quot; They are always alert and consider themselves guard dogs, although their size prevents them from providing any real intimidation. As with any dog, if irritated or provoked they may respond with a growl, or even bite. If the tail is down and ears are back, keep away. It may be eating or chewing a favourite toy. They are very possessive of their belongings, master and food.

    They are great companion dogs and get along with other animals, although care should be taken when introducing them to other domestic pets, such as cats. They also are compatible with children. Since Westies were originally bred as hunting dogs, they need to have room to run and play. They are not recommended as apartment dogs. If traveling they make great companions, since they can adjust easily to new situations and people and because of their small size. Westies will appreciate two or three walks each day.

    They are very energetic but tire and need to take several naps per day. Like all dogs, the Westie responds better to love and gentleness than to cruelty. As with most terriers, harsh training methods are often met only with stubbornness. Westies are good with children, the elderly, and the disabled.


    Westies are prone to have issues with dry skin and bathing too frequently may aggravate these problems. Washing once a month or on a longer interval will generally not cause issues. However, frequent brushings are needed to keep the coat clean and oils evenly distributed throughout the coat. Washing with a detergent-free, baby-oriented, or another soft skin shampoo will help keep a Westie&#039;s skin hydrated. Weekly washing of the inside of the ears with cotton balls will prevent oil and wax build-up and ear infections.


    Like most other dogs, these terriers generally require 13 hours of sleep out of every 24. Westies will usually conform to the sleep patterns of their human companions, and take several naps during the day as well, to accrue their needed sleep. Since they are independent, they can withstand moderate periods of time being alone.

  3. west highland terriers are a good tempermented dog!If you give him or her dog food and barely any human food they won&#039;t get fat!Unlike schnauzers,westies have closer paws so it doesn&#039;t put pressure on their hips!But my dads 1st dog had to be put down because of pneumonia!But there is always a risk!

    I&#039;m probably getting a dog this year or next year!

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